
出版时间:1998-02  出版社:复旦大学出版社  作者:余建中丛书主编  


Practice Tests (Band One)
Unit One Gap Filling with the Help of Chinese Hints
Unit Two Multiple Choice Synonyms/Definitions
Unit Three Multiple Choice Completion
Practice Tests (Band Two)
Unit One Gap Filling with the Help of Chinese Hints
Unit Two Multiple Choice Synonyms/Definitions
Unit Three Multiple Choice Completion
Practice Tests (Band Three)
Unit One Gap Filling with the Help of the First Letter or Letters
Unit Two Multiple Choice Synonyms/Definitions
Unit Three Multiple Choice Completion
Practice Tests (Band Four)
Unit One Gap Filling with the Help of the First Letter or Letters
Unit Two Multiple Choice Synonyms/Definitions
Unit Three Multiple Choice Completion
Practice Tests (Band Five)
Unit One Selective Deletion Gap Filling
Unit Two Multiple Choice Synonyms/Definitions
Unit Three Multiple Choice Completion
Practice Tests (Band Six)
Unit One Selective Deletion Gap Filling
Unit Two Multiple Choice Synonyms/Definitions
Unit Three Multiple Choice Completion
Key to Practice Tests
Unit One, Band One
Unit Two, Band One
Unit Three, Band One
Unit One, Band Two
Unit Two, Band Two
Unit Three, Band Two
Unit One, Band Three
Unit Two, Band Three
Unit Three, Band Three
Unit One, Band Four
Unit Two, Band Four
Unit Three, Band Four
Unit One, Band Five
Unit Two, Band Five
Unit Three, Band Five
Unit One, Band Six
Unit Two, Band Six
Unit Three, Band Six



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