
出版时间:2013-1  出版社:浙江大学出版社  作者:周洁红  




Preface Acknowledgements Chapter 1 Overview of Food Safety Management in China 1.1 Changes in the Focus of Food Safety in China 1.2 China's Food Safety: Understanding Based on the Perspective of Non-Traditional Security 1.3 China's Food Safety Supervision:Progress and Achievements 1.4 China's Food Safety Supervision:Problem Analysis 1.5 Conclusions Chapter 2 Safety of Vegetables and the Use of Pesticides by Farmers in China 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Method 2.3 Results and Discussions 2.4 Conclusions and Implications Chapter 3 Adoption of Food Safety and Quality Standards by China's Agricultural Cooperatives 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Methodology 3.3 Data Source and Variable Description 3.4 Results and Discussions 3.5 Policy Implications and Conclusions Chapter 4 Implementation of Food Safety and Quality Standards:A Case Study of the Vegetable Processing Industry in Zhejiang, China 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Food Safety and Quality System in China 4.3 Theoretical Framework 4.4 The Survey and the Data 4.5 Empirical Analysis 4.6 Conclusions and Policy Recommendations Chapter 5 Adoption of HACCP System in the Chinese Food Industry:A Comparative Analysis 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Method 5.3 Results and Discussions 5.4 Conclusions and Implications Chapter 6 An Empirical Analysis of the Implementation of Vegetable Quality and Safety Traceability Systems Centering on Wholesale Markets 6.1 The Status Quo and the Reasons for the Implementation of a Traceability System in China's Agricultural Products Wholesale Markets 6.2 Analysis of Factors that Influence Suppliers of Vegetables Wholesale Markets Implementing a Traceability System 6.3 Results and Discussions 6.4 Policy Recornmendations Chapter 7 Investment in Voluntary Traceability:Analysis of Chinese Hog Slaughterhouses and Processors 7.1 Introduction 7.2 Related Literature 7.3 Materials and Methods 7.4 Results and Discussions 7.5 Conclusions Chapter 8 Quality Perception, Safer Behavior Management and Control of Aquaculture: Experience of Exporting Enterprises of Zhejiang Province,China 8.1 Introduction 8.2 Aquatic Products Export Restrictions:the Situation from Zhejiang Province 8.3 Related References 8.4 Materials and Methods 8.5 Descriptive Analysis 8.6 Conclusions and Recommendations Chapter 9 Outlook for China's Food Safety Situation and Policy Recommendations 9.1 Outlook for China's Food Safety Situation 9.2 Policy Recommendations Appendix Ⅰ:Food Safety Law of the People's Republic of China Appendix Ⅱ:Law of the People's Republic of China on Agricultural Product Quality Safety Index


版权页:   插图:   They are the driving forces of a firm's incentive to adopt quality/safety standards./3 which is a vector of logistic coefficients.The intercepts vary between categories and satisfy the constraints α1≤α2≤……≤αn-1.It is assumed that the data are categorized independent of each other.Using the ordinal logistic setting,it is possible to estimate the relative odds of being in each category for firms which have a particular characteristic to those which do not after taking into account the effect of all other explanatory variables.The logistic coefficients represent the estimated increase of probabilities in each category of adoption intensity ha the particular characteristics. We estimate the probability of adopting a quality/safety standard.Our model draws upon the methods of Hassan et al.(2006).Firstly,we use a binomial logistic model to identify the factors that differentiate between adopters.A dichotomous variable takes value 0 for standards "less" adopters (zero or one standard) and 1 for "more" adopters (two or more standards).Secondly,it is also important to understand to what extent a firm would implement food safety and quality standards.Ordered logistic analysis was then used to identify the difference between high-degree adopters and low-degree adopters.The adopting magnitude can be measured by a three-category scale ranging from "Low" to "Medium" and "High".Respondents that stated that no standards were implemented were classified as Low degree.Respondents that stated that one or two standards were implemented were classified as Medium degree.Respondents with three or more standards were classified as High degree.Therefore,ordered and binomial logistic models are specified as shown in Table 4.3.





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