
出版时间:2012-12  出版社:浙江大学出版社  作者:刘育文 编  页数:289  


  《英语文化选读》编写根据3条主线平行展开:首先,突 出主题,围绕中西文化差异组成15个单元,每个单元包括与主题相关的习语 以及说明性、记叙性文章各1篇,力争知识性与趣味性相结合;其次,从词 到句,从段落到篇章,从主题、中心思想到阅读方法,系统介绍阅读技巧和 方法,且阅读理沦与实战演练相结合;此外,配套练习内容与单元主题相融 合,题型与英语专业四、八级、国内研究生英语入学考试、托福、雅思、GRE题型接轨。《英语文化选读》编者匠心独到且认真,内容丰富且新颖,习题多样且精湛,是一本难得的英语文化助读教材。


Unit 1 Cultural DifferencesPart 1 Reading SkillsSection A GuessingUnknown Words from the Context ISection B PracticePart 2 Idioms, Proverbs and SayingsPart 3 Reading PassagesSection A American Values and AssumptiorSection B Is this Chinese Candor or a Cultural Handicap?Part 4 Reading Compreherion TestUnit 2 Education and ExaminatiorPart 1 Reading SkillsSection A GuessingUnknown Words from the Context IISection B PracticePart 2 Idioms, Proverbs and SayingsPart 3 Reading PassagesSection A TOEFL and IELTSSection B The Two Kinds (Excerpt)Part 4 Reading Compreherion TestUnit 3 Earning and Spending MoneyPart 1 Reading SkillsSection A GuessingUnknown Words from the Context IIISection B PracticePart 2 Idioms, Proverbs and SayingsPart 3 Reading PassagesSection A Breaking the Cycle of Borrowing Money and Paying InterestSection B Needing and Wanting are DifferentPart 4 Reading Compreherion TestUnit 4 Time and PunctualityPart 1 Reading SkillsSection A GuessingUnknown Words from Word Formation ISection B PracticePart 2 Idioms, Proverbs and SayingsPart 3 Reading PassagesSection A Punctuality Tips and StrategiesSection B The Date Father Didn't KeepPart 4 Reading Compreherion TestUnit 5 Attitude toward Life and DeathPart 1 Reading SkillsSection A GuessingUnknown Words from Word Formation IISection B PracticePart 2 Idioms, Proverbs and SayingsPart 3 Reading PassagesSection A Legal Systems Handle Euthanasia Differently Around the GlobeSection B "Am I To Love Life Less?".Part 4 Reading Compreherion TestUnit 6 Love, Marriage and FamilyPart 1 Reading SkillsSectionA Undertanding SentencesSection B PracticePart 2 Idioms, Proverbs and SayingsPart 3 Reading PassagesSection A Liking, Loving and LustSection B Story of RegretPart 4 Reading Compreherion TestUnit 7 Food and Table MannerPart 1 Reading SkillsSection A Distinguishing Topic from Main IdeaSection B PracticePart 2 Idioms, Proverbs and SayingsPart 3 Reading PassagesSectionA FoodTaboosSection B Dos and Don'ts when Eating in BritainPart 4 Reading Compreherion TestUnit 8 Housing and Subprime CrisisPart 1 Reading SkillsSection A Finding the Topic SentenceSection B PracticePart 2 Idioms, Proverbs and SayingsPart 3 Reading PassagesSection A Obama Not Planning Another Big Housing ProgramSection B Two Neediest Cases of Christina Natale and the GatheresPart 4 Reading Compreherion TestUnit 9 Health and MedicinePart 1 Reading SkillsSection A Patterr of Details!Section B PracticePart 2 Idioms, Proverbs and SayingsPart 3 Reading PassagesSectionA Medicine's Bright FutureSection B It Takes CouragePart 4 Reading Compreherion TestUnit 10 Trade and EconomyPart I Reading SkillsSection A Pattern of Details IISection B Practice.Part 2 Idioms, Proverbs and SayingsPart 3 Reading PassagesSection A The Right ApproachSection B Color and Their AssociatiorPart 4 Reading Compreherion TestUnit 11 Festivals and HolidaysPart 1 Reading SkillsSection A Pattern of Details IIISection B PracticePart 2 Idioms, Proverbs and SayingsPart 3 Reading PassagesSection A Public Holidays in theUnited StatesSection B A Moving StoryPart 4 Reading Compreherion TestUnit 12 Music and MoviesPart 1 Reading SkillsSection A OutliningSection B PracticePart 2 Idioms, Proverbs and SayingsPart 3 Reading PassagesSection A Hollywood and Los AngelesSection B How about China's Hollywood?Part 4 Reading Compreherion TestUnit 13 Equality and IndependencePart 1 Reading SkillsSection A SkimmingSection B PracticePart 2 Idioms, Proverbs and SayingsPart 3 Reading PassagesSection A Virginia Declaration of RightsSection B Words in My Heart Tell Me "I Am Strong".Part 4 Reading Compreherion TestUnit 14 Crimeand PunishmentPart 1 Reading SkillsSection A ScanningSection B PracticePart 2 Idioms, Proverbs and SayingsPart 3 Reading PassagesSection A Grad Student's Arrest Makes International NewsSection B Helicopter Moms vs.Free-Range KidsPart 4 Reading Compreherion TestUnit 15 Beliefs and ReligiorPart 1 Reading SkillsSection A Detailed ReadingSection B PracticePart 2 Idioms, Proverbs and SayingsPart 3 Reading PassagesSection A Early History of ChristianitySection B Hindu-Muslim Family's Choice of Cremation Arouses AngerPart 4 Reading Compreherion Test





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