
出版时间:2012-10  出版社:浙江大学出版社  作者:王平  页数:292  字数:680000  


《生物医学传感与检测》由王平、刘清君、吴春生、Chung-Chiun Liu
编著。 《生物医学传感与检测》内容如下: Biomedical Seo and Measurement is an
interdisciplinary book combining electronics with biology and
medicine. It gives an overview of the concept and principle of
biomedical seo and measurement. Fit, the basic theory and
technology are explained, followed by details of the physical seo,
chemical seo, bioseo and their typical applicatio in biomedicine.
Furthermore, the interface technology of the seo and the typical
measurement systems is presented. The large amount of vivid and
specific figures and formulas will help to deepen the undetanding
of the fundamental and new applicatio about biomedical seo and
measurement technology. The book is intended tbr biomedical
enginee, medical physicists and other researche and professionals
in biomedicine-related specialties, especially interdisciplinary


Chapter 1  Introduction
1.1 Definition and Classification of Biomedical Seo
1.1.1 Basic Concept of Seo
1.1.2 Classification of Biomedical Seo
1.2 Biomedical Measurement Technology
1.2.1 Bioelectrical Signal Detection
1.2.2 Biomagnetic Signal Detection
1.2.3 Other Physiological and Biochemical Parameter Detection
1.3 Characteristics of Biomedical Seo and Measurement
1.3.1 Features &Biomedical Seo and Measurement
1.3.2 Special Requirements of Biomedical Seo and Measurement.
1.4 Development of Biomedical Seo and Measurement
1.4.1 Invasive and Non-Invasive Detection
1.4.2 Multi-Parameter Detection
1.4.3 In vitro and in vivo Detection
1.4.4 Intelligent Artificial Viscera
1.4.5 Micro-Nano Systems
1.4.6 Biochips and Microfluidics
1.4.7 Biomimetic Seo
Chapter 2 Basics of Seo and Measurement
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Seor Characteristics and Terminology
2.2.1 Static Characteristics
2.2.2 Dynamic Characteristics
2.3 Seor Measurement Technology
2.3.1 Measurement Methods
2.3.2 Seor Measurement System
2.3.3 Signal Modulation and Demodulation
2.3.4 Improvement of Seor Measurement System
2.4 Biocompatibility Design of Seo
2.4.1 Concept and Principle of Biocompatibility
2.4.2 Biocompatibility for Implantable Biomedical Seo
2.4.3 Biocompatibility for in vitro Biomedical Seo
2.5 Microfabrication of Biomedical Seo
2.5.1 Lithography
2.5.2 Film Formation
2.5.3 Etching
2.5.4 Design of the Biomedical Seo
Chapter 3 Physical Seo and Measurement
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Resistance Seo and Measurement
3.2.1 Resistance Strain Seo
3.2.2 Piezoresistive Seo
3.3 Inductive Seo and Measurement
3.3.1 Basics
3.3.2 Applicatio in Biomedicine
3.4 Capacitive Seo and M~asurement
3.4.1 The Basic Theory and Configuration of Capacitive Seo
3.4.2 Measurement Circuits
3.4.3 Biomedical Applicatio
3.5 Piezoelectric Seo and Measurement
3.5.1 Piezoelectric Effect
3.5.2 Piezoelectric Materials
3.5.3 Measurement Circuits
3.5.4 Biomedical Applicatio
3.6 Magnetoelectric Seo and Measurement
3.6.1 Magnetoelectric Induction Seo
3.6.2 Hall Magnetic Seo
3.7 Photoelectric Seo
3.7.1 Photoelectric Element
3.7.2 Fiber Optic Seo
3.7.3 Applicatio of Photoelectric Seo
3.8 Thermoelectric Seo and Measurement
3.8.1 Thermoseitive Elements
3.8.2 Thermocouple Seo
3.8.3 Integrated Temperature Seo
3.8.4 Biomedical Applicatio
Chapter 4 Chemical Seo and Measurement
4.1 Introduction
4.1.1 History
4.1.2 Definition and Principle
4.1.3 Classification and Characteristics
4.2 Electrochemical Fundamental
4:2.1 Measurement System
4.2.2 Basic Conception
4.2.3 Classification of Electrodes
4.3 Ion Seo
4.3.1 Ion-Selective Electrodes
4.3.2 Ion-Selective Field-Effect Traisto
4.3.3 Light Addressable Potentiometric Seo
4.3.4 Microelectrode Array
4.4 Gas Seo
4.4.1 Electrochemical Gas Seo
4.4.2 Semiconductor Gas Seo
4.4.3 Solid Electrolyte Gas Seo
4.4.4 Surface Acoustic Wave Seo
4.5 Humidity Seo
4.5.1 Capacitive Humidity Seo
4.5.2 Resistive Humidity Seo
4.5.3 Thermal Conductivity Humidity Seo
4.5.4 Application
4.6 Intelligent Chemical Seor Arrays
4.6.1 e-Nose
4.6.2 e-Tongue
4.7 Micro Total Analysis System
4.7.1 Design and Fabrication
4.7.2 Applicatio
4.8 Seor Networks
4.8.1 History of Seor Networks
4.8.2 Essential Facto of Seor Networks
4.8.3 Buses of Seor Networks
4.8.4 Wireless Seor Network
Chapter 5 Bioseo and Measurement
5.1 Introduction
5.1.1 History and Concept of Bioseo
5.1.2 Components of Bioseor
5.1.3 Properties of Bioseo
5.1.4 Common Bioreceptor Components
5.2 Catalytic Bioseo
5.2.1 Enzyme Bioseo :
5.2.2 Microorganism Bioseo
5.3 Affinity Bioseo
5.3.1 Antibody and Antigen Bioseo
5.3.2 Nucleic Acid Bioseo
5.3.3 Receptor and Ion Channel Bioseo
5.4 Cell and Tissue Bioseo
5.4.1 Cellular Metabolism Bioseo
5.4.2 Cellular Impedance Bioseo
5.4.3 Extracellular Potential Bioseo
5.5 Biochips
5.5.1 Chips of Microarray
5.5.2 Gene and Protein Chips
5.5.3 Tissue and Cell Chips
5.5.4 Lab-on-a-Chip
5.6 Nano-Bioseo
5.6.1 Nanomaterials for Bioseo
5.6.2 Nanoparticles and Nanopores Bioseo
5.6.3 Nanotubes and Nanowires Bioseo






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