
出版时间:2012-6  出版社:浙江大学出版社  作者:应梅芳  页数:379  


  《研究生综合英语》为15个单元,每一个单元围绕某个主题展开英语综合技能的训练。通过多样化的练习,突出对学生英语实际应用能力的培养。课文选材新颖,既有趣味性又有思想性,所选的文章大多来自英美报刊书籍。每单元后还增设了跨文化阅读和案例分析,培养学生跨文化交际的能力。  特色一:选材新颖,题材广泛。所选文章大多源于英美报刊书籍,既有时代特色,又有语言的规范性。  特色二:重视培养学生的实际应用能力,尤其是口语交际能力和思辨能力。每篇课文后面设计了若干与课文相关的讨论话题,通过对一些意义深刻、隽永的话题的讨论,提高学生的口语表达能力及批判性思维。  特色三:重视培养学生跨文化交际的能力。语言是文化的载体,文化是语言的灵魂。我们在每单元增设了体现本书特色的跨文化英语阅读材料和案例分析,旨在让学生了解不同文化背景下的人对同一事物迥然不同的态度,避免与英语国家人交流时的文化冲突,从而提升理工科学生的文化底蕴,为他们未来走向国际化打下坚实的基础。


Unit 1Text A The Pleasures of IgnoranceText B A Liberal EducationCulture and Communication Time ConceptUnit 2Text A Two Kinds(l)Text B Two Kinds (2)Culture and Communication Personal SpaceUnit 3Text A On Work Text B Workaholics Culture and Communication Hand GesturesUnit 4Text A Women in Business, Still Lonely at the TopText B Don't Work Harder in Big CompaniesCulture and Communication Dating Customs around the WorldUnit 5Text A A New Index Illuminates the Creative LifeText B The Impressionist's Approach to Business Creativity Culture and Communication HumorUnit 6Text A Why Marriages FailText B Men Are from Mars, Women Are from VenusCulture and Communication Chinese Wedding vs English WeddingUnit 7Text A How to Grow OldText B One's A CrowdCulture and Communication Child RearingUnit 8Text A Cyberspace: If You Don't Love It, Leave ItText B Internet Paradox: A Social Technology That ReducesSocial Involvement and Psychological Well-being?Culture and Communication Language and GenderUnit 9Text A AmbitionText B Are We Living in a Moral Stone AgeCulture and Communication HospitalityUnit 10Text A My Way to SuccessText B Stay Hungry, Stay FoolishCulture and Communication ComplimentsUnit 11Text A On FriendshipText B The Last LeafCulture and Communication FriendshipUnit 12Text A The Hidden Side of HappinessText B The Happiness EffectCulture and Communication Individualism vs CollectivismUnit 13Text A What Is Global Culture?Text B Globalization: What Is It?Culture and Communication American Space, Chinese PlaceUnit 14Text A Carrying Capacity: Earth's Bottom LineText B Survival in the AnthropoceneCulture and Communication SuperstitionsUnit 15Text A The Doctor's Dilemma -- What Is "Appropriate" Care?Text B Is Euthanasia Humane?Culture and Communication Taboos and EuphemismsReferences



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