
出版时间:2012-4  出版社:浙江大学出版社  作者:顾健人  页数:462  


  Primary Liver Cancer:Challenges and Perspectives Challenges and Perspectives presents the recent progress in basic and clinical research in Primary Liver Cancer (PLC) in China and around the world. PLC patients in China make up more than 50% of the total patients worldwide. By contributing to the book, the leading experts in the field of liver cancer in China as well as in the US share with readers their new concepts, practices, and experiences from bench to bed, from population study to individual survey, from molecular search to clinical practice, and from early diagnosis to treatment. The book is intended for researchers in the fields of epidemiology, molecular genetics,cell biology, immunology of HCC and other cancers, and clinical oncology in primary liver cancer.  Primary Liver Cancer:Challenges and Perspectives author Jianren Gu is a Professor of molecular oncology at the Shanghai Cancer Institute, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine and Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering.


1 Concepts, Challenges and Perspectives in Cancer Research 1.1 Cancer is a Well-Organized Tissue, Constructing a Specified Cancer Microenvironment 1.1.1 Cancer Associated Stromal Cells 1.1.2 Extracellular Matrix in Tumor 1.I.3 Tumor Acidic Microenvironment 1.2 lleterogeneity of Cancer Cell Population and Cancer Stem Cell Hypothesis 1.2.1 Cancer Stem Cell ttypothesis 1.2.2 Arguments against Cancer Stem Cell Hypothesis 1.3 Cancer is a Systems Disease-- A Disease of Systems Dysregulation, Characterized by Abnormal Growth of the Defmed Tissue or Organ 1.3.1 Systemic Regulatory Systems to Control the Host-Cell Homeostasis 1.4 Prospects and Implications References2 Systemic Dysregulation in the Development of Hepatocellular Carcinoma3 Genomics of Hepatocellular Carcinoma4 Biornarkers of Hepatocellular Carcinoma,5 Metabonomics of Hepatocellular Carcinoma6 Signal Transduction of Hepatocellular Carcinoma7 Cancer Stem Cells of Hepatocellular Carcinoma8 Immunology of Liver9 Immunosuppresssioa and Immune Escape in Liver Cancer.10 Immunotherapy of Hepatocellular Carcinoma11 Chemoprevention of Hepatic Cancer in Aflatoxin Endemic Areas12 Metastasis of Hepatic Cancer13 Integrated Treatment of Hepatic Cancer14 Liver Transplantation for HepatoceUular CarcinomaIndex


原发性肝癌是最常见的消化系统恶性肿瘤之一,严重威胁人民群众的生命及健康。男性发病率高于女性,全世界每年新发肝癌患者约六十多万,居恶性肿瘤的第五位,东亚及环太平洋地区是肝癌高发地区,我国新发肝癌人数占全球人数一半以上。我国发病率高的原因在于我国乙肝患病人数多,丙型肝炎的发病率近年亦有明显的上升趋势,肝癌多在乙肝、丙肝等慢性肝炎后肝硬化的基础上产生。    这本《原发性肝癌--挑战与展望(精)》(作者顾健人)的目的是为在肝癌和其他癌症的免疫学,流行病学,分子遗传学,细胞生物学和原发性肝癌的临床肿瘤学领域的研究人员提供理论知识。




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用户评论 (总计2条)


  •   有许多新的进展,看着累但很快乐
  •   这本书详细介绍了肝癌的诊断、治疗的进展,对于我这样搞相关研究的人来说特别有参考价值。

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