
出版时间:2011-6  出版社:浙江大学  作者:方建民  页数:117  字数:235000  




Starter Unit 1 Good morning!
Starter Unit 2 What's this in English?
Starter Unit 3 What color is it?
Unit 1 My name's Gina.
Unit 2 This is my sister.
Unit 3 Is this your pencil?
Unit 4 Where's my schoolbag?
Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball?
Unit 6 Do you like bananas?
Unit 7 How much are these socks?
Unit 8 When is your birthday?
Unit 9 My favorite subject is science.



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用户评论 (总计18条)


  •   有解析知识点 有习题训练 不错
  •   基础题都在里面,还有一些,不常见的题目
  •   先是要点解析,接着是sectionA,sectionB, 单元测试。题目编的很好,适合基础好一点的同学训练。
  •   书不错,只是儿子没什么时间去做题,白买了。
  •   不错的书,值得学生购买
  •   孩子正在用,感觉还不错,对巩固课内有帮助。
  •   书不错,就是要看要做,这样才能发挥作用。
  •   Lesson38 Everything except the weather 惟独没有考虑到天气My old friend, Harrison, had lived in the Mediterranean for many years before he re***ned to England. He had often dreamed of retiring in England and had planned to settle down in the country. He had no sooner re***ned than he bought a fine house and went to live there. Almost immediately he began to ***plain about the weather, for even though it was still summer, it rained continually and it was often bitterly cold. After so many years of sunshine, Harrison got a shock. He acted as if he had never lived in England before. In the end, it was more than he could bear. He had hardly had time to settle down when he sold the house and left the country. The dream he had had for so many years ended there. Harrison had thought of everything except the weather. 我的老朋友哈里森在回到英国以前曾多年居住在地中海地区。过去他常幻想退休后到英国,并计划在乡间安顿下来。他刚一回到英国便买下了一幢房子住了进去。但紧接着他就开始抱怨那里的天气了。因为即使那时仍为夏季,但雨总是下个不停,而且常常冷得厉害。在阳光下生活了那么多年的哈里森对此感到惊奇。他的举动就好像他从未在英国生活过一样。最后,他再也忍受不住,还没等安顿下来就卖掉了房子,离开了这个国家。他多年来的幻想从此破灭。哈里森把每件事情都考虑到了,唯独没想到天气。Lesson39 Am I all right? 我是否痊愈?While John Gilbert was in hospital, he asked his doctor to tell him whether his operation had been successful, but the doctor refused to do so. The following day, the patient asked for a bedside telephone. When he was alone, he telephoned the hospital exchange and asked for Doctor Millington. When the doctor answered the phone, Mr Gilbert said he was inquiring about a certain patient, a Mr John Gilbert. He asked if Mr Gilbert's operation had been successful and the doctor told him that it had been. He then asked when Mr Gilbert would be allowed to go home and the doctor told him that he would have to stay in hospital for another two weeks. Then Dr Millington asked the caller if he was a relative of the patient.' No,' the patient answered,' I am Mr John Gilbert.' 当约翰.吉尔伯特住院的时候,他问医生他的手术是否成功,但医生拒绝告诉他。第二天,这位病人要了一部床头电话。当房里只剩他一个人时,他挂通了医院的交换台,要求与米灵顿医生讲话。当这位医生接过电话时,吉尔伯特先生说他想询问一个病人的情况,是一位名叫约翰.吉尔伯特的先生。他问吉尔伯特先生的手术中否成功,医生告诉他手术很成功。然后他又问吉尔伯特先生什么时候可以回家,医生说他在医院还必须再住上两个星期。之后,米灵顿医生问打电话的人是否是病人的亲属。“不是,”病人回答说,“我就是约翰.吉尔伯特先生。”
  •   很实用的一本书,孩子喜欢。
  •   题型不错,难度适中,值得
  •   孩子学习需要的资料,内容还不错。
  •   课余做一做,巩固复习,对孩子很有帮助
  •   紧跟课本,挺好的。
  •   挺好的,有助于成绩提高!
  •   与其他的众多教参相比从内容设置上来说只能给个中评没有太多的新意难度设置上也比较平庸不太具有竞争力
  •   有点简单。对于基础特别差的学生,还是可以的。
  •   很一般 对于尖子生来说 这样的练习过于简单
  •   不知道,怎么样但买来练练应该不错滴

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