
出版时间:2012-12  出版社:浙江大学  作者:蒋德仁  页数:121  字数:620000  




第一模块 基础知识梳理
 第1章 七年级上Modulestarters1-4 Modules1-5
 第2章 七年级上Modules6-10
 第3章 七年级下Modules1-3
 第4章 七年级下Modules4-6
 第5章 七年级下Modules7-9
 第6章 七年级下Modules10-12
 第7章 八年级上Modules1-3
 第8章 八年级上Modules4-6
 第9章 八年级上Modules7-9
 第10章 八年级上:Modules10-12
 第11章 八年级下Modules1-3
 第12章 八年级下Modules4-5
 第13章 八年级下Modules6-8
 第14章 八年级下Modules9-10
 第15章 九年级上Modules1-2
 第16章 九年级上Modules3-4
 第17章 九年级上Modules5-6
 第18章 九年级上Modules7-8
 第19章 九年级上Modules9-10
 第20章 九年级上Modules11-12
 第21章 九年级下Modules1-2
 第22章 九年级下Modules3-4
 第23章 九年级下Modules5-6
 第24章 九年级下Modules7-8
 第25章 九年级下Modules9-10
第二模块 语法梳理
 第1章 语音及构词法
 第2章 名词
 第3章 冠词
 第4章 代词
 第5章 数词
 第6章 介词
 第7章 连词
 第8章 形容词
 第9章 副词
 第10章 动词的分类
 第11章 动词的时态
 第12章 动词的语态
 第13章 动词不定式
 第14章 简单句和并列句
 第15章 疑问句
 第16章 祈使句和感叹句
 第17章 状语从句
 第18章 宾语从句和定语从句
第三模块 专题特训
 第1章 完形填空
 第2章 阅读理解
 第3章 词汇运用一(句子填空)
 第4章 词汇运用二(短文填空)
 第5章 书面表达


  Chico was born near the Amazon ,town, Brazil,in 1944 and started working when he was veryyoung. Like the rest of his family, the boy got themoney by taking a little rubber (橡胶) from thetrees in the forest. (The trees are not hurt whenthe rubber is taken. ) The forest and its people livedtogether comfortably and peacefully.  But some people think too much about themselvesand never think about the future. In 1980, the forestwas burned to build roads, houses and factories.Chico was angry he wanted to save the forest! Hetalked to government workers, but they didnt listento him. They were still clearly the rainforests to makequick, easy money. "Many voices are stronger thanone," he thought, so Chico held group meetings.He discovered that hundreds of people agreed withhim. His hope grew. More people came together totry to stop the work of the forest clearers. Largeareas of the forest were saved. Later he traveled tomany other countries for international help. Peoplesoon became very much interested in this braveBrazilian. In the next few years Chicos namebecame famous all over the world. The governmentof Brazil started making plans to protect large areasof the Amazon rainforest.  But as Chicos dreams started coming true,someone stopped him in the only possible way. Thefamous forest fighter was murdered right outsidehis home on December 22, 1988. Chicos life wascut short, but his brave new ideas continued inother people. One man changed the worlds ideas.After his death, people around the world sent money to help Chicos work.





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