
出版时间:2010-4  出版社:浙江大学出版社  作者:刘延平,董亮 编  页数:231  


  《实用英语口语高频话题:情景英语口语》主要由Top Setlferlees(典型例句)、Words and Phrases(生词与词组)、Fastlion Corwersatiorls(轻松会话)等三部分组成,若干单元中还有能让你会心一笑的Wo rlderfUl Passage(精彩片段);精彩的英语情景会话,秀出英语时尚潮流;精选出的词语为读者扫除单词障碍。学者可以真正融入英语会话的快感当中,并更多地从译文中感受中英文说话方式的差异,在学习和实践中更快、更准地把握英语口语的精髓!


Part 1 Employment and Job Services就业和工作Unit l Job-hunting求职Unit 2 Reporting for Work报到上班Unit 3 Attendance and Leave出勤和休假Unit 4 Working Pressure工作压力Unit 5 Working Overtime加班Unit 6 Referring to Promotion关于升职Unit 7 Working Performance工作成绩Unit 8 Salary and Benefits薪酬和福利Part 2 DailyLife日常生活Unit 1 Renting a House租房Unit 2 Eating at Home在家用餐Unit 3 Eating Out外出就餐Unit 4 Doing Housework做家务Unit 5 Watching TV看电视Unit 6 Shopping购物Unit 7 Talking about Weather谈天气Unit 8 Working工作Part 3 Housing and Financing家居与理财Unit 1 Real Estate Craze房地产热Unit 2 East or West,Home Is Best安居乐业Unit 3 Depositing存款Unit 4 Daily Expenses日常收支Unit 5 Bargaining讨价还价Unit 6 Buying Insurance买保险Unit 7 Buying Stock买股票Unit 8 Buying Lottery买彩票Part 4 Health and Beauty健康和美容Unit 1 Food健康饮食Unit 2 Entertainment for Relaxing娱乐解压Unit 3 Seeing a Doctor就医Unit 4 Body-building运动健身Unit 5 No Smoking远离吸烟Unit 6 Losing Weight减肥Unit 7 At a Beauty Salon在美容院Unit 8 At a Hair Salon在理发店Part 5 Traveling出门旅游Unit 1 At a Travel Agency在旅行社Unit 2 At the Airport在机场Unit 3 Hotel Check-in下榻宾馆Unit 4 Sightseeing游览观光Unit 5 Asking Directions问路Unit 6 At the Railway Station在火车站Unit 7 At the Customs在海关Unit 8 Hotel Check.out付款离店Part 6 Campus Life校园生活点滴Unit 1 Study学习Unit 2 In the Library在图书馆Unit 3 In the Dorm在寝室Unit 4 Pubs and Parties酒吧与晚会Unit 5 Exams and Revision考试与复习Unit 6 Campus Romance校园恋情Unit 7 Graduation毕业Unit 8 Job-hunting求职Part 7 Telephone Communication电话交际Unit 1 Waiting and Calling Back等候与回电Unit 2 Wrong Number打错电话Unit 3 Leaving a Message电话留言Unit 4 Good News over the Phone电话报喜Unit 5 Booking Tickets电话订票Unit 6 Calling for Help by Telephone电话求助Unit 7 Reserving a Room预订房间Unit 8 Making a Confirmation确认预约或预订



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