
出版时间:2009-10  出版社:浙江大学出版社  作者:高考英语新考法编写组  页数:176  字数:300000  


本书旨在帮助学生理清写作思路、积累好词好句、学会灵活表达。因此,《高考英语新考法书面表达80篇》不仅将每个练习单独排成一页,而且提供的范文也单独成页。具体来说,《高考英语新考法书面表达80篇》主要有以下特点:  1.从高考的角度编写。  2.每章练习题的设计独具匠心。开头的几个练习中,答题栏左边有比较详细的思路、谋篇、布局、语言、内容等方面的提示,随后,提示逐步减少,给学生一个“慢慢丢弃拐杖”的机会。但仍留着一块打草稿的地方。  3.书后附有“例文详解与思路点评”,对每个练习都给出所对应的例文,供学生参考。每篇例文都有“思路点评”,对例文进行详细分析,重点关注文章结构、好词好句等,紧接着是“举一反三、灵活表达”栏目,就某一话题相关的好词好句或相关的内容要点进行拓展。最后一个栏目是“反思摘录”,留出一个空间,让学生在与他人交流的过程中发现典型错误和好词好句,摘录同学佳作,以便与他人分享或供自己日后复习。  4.《高考英语新考法书面表达80篇》练习的选材,主要关注与高中学生的生活学习相关的题材。


第一章 书面表达解题指导第二章 以叙述为主的书面表达专项训练 Passage 1 Passage 2 Passage 3 Passage 4 Passage 5 Passage 6 Passage 7 Passage 8 Passage 9 Passage 10 Passage 11 Passage 12 Passage 13 Passage 14 Passage 15第三章 以说明、介绍为主的书面表达专项训练 Passage 16 Passage 17 Passage 18 Passage 19 Passage 20 Passage 21 Passage 22 Passage 23 Passage 24 Passage 25 Passage 26 Passage 27 Passage 28 Passage 29 Passage 30第四章 夹叙夹议的综合型书面表达专项训练 Passage 31 Passage 32 Passage 33 Passage 34 Passage 35 Passage 36 Passage 37 Passage 38 Passage 39 Passage 40 Passage 41 Passage 42 Passage 43 Passage 44 Passage 45 Passage 46 Passage 47 Passage 48 Passage 49 Passage 50 Passage 51 Passage 52 Passage 53 Passage 54 Passage 55 Passage 56 Passage 57 Passage 58 Passage 59 Passage 60 Passage 61 Passage 62 Passage 63 Passage 64 Passage 65 Passage 66 Passage 67 Passage 68 Passage 69 Passage 70 Passage 71 Passage 72 Passage 73 Passage 74 Passage 75 Passage 76 Passage 77 Passage 78 Passage 79 Passage 80附录 例文详解与思路点评


  Nowadays, there is much discussion about commercials. In fact, there are both advantages and disadvantages about them. Generally speaking, it is widely believed that there are several positive aspects as follows. Firstly, commercials are good for consumers to know what kind of product they really need, without which they will lose a great many choices. And secondly, the advertising produces a good image of a product. It makes more and more people choose this product so that their company can produce more high- quality products at lower price.  However, commercials have their negative aspects. To begin with, there are many false and misleading advertisements in present-day society. These commercials may cheat or mislead consumers, which will waste consumers money and time. In addition, the ex- tra costs of advertising will be passed on to the consumers because the cost of ads is built into the product.  To sum up, we should try to bring the benefits of commercials into full play, and re- duce the disadvantages to the minimum at the same time. In that case, we will definitely make a better use of them.



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用户评论 (总计5条)


  •   不错。。。总体来说很好
  •   给孩子买的书,说非常好,书一到,就拿在手里不放,晚上看到12点。
  •   老师推荐我们买的,里面的文章都蛮好的
  •   一般啊。。。。。没什么特别的
  •   还可以吧 没有想象中的那么好 当然背背还是可以的

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