
出版时间:2009-9  出版社:浙江大学出版社  作者:胡丽纯,蒋萍,夏宁满 主编  页数:181  




Part One Basics of English Writing CHAPTER 1 Proper Words  ⅠDiscussion  Ⅱ Knowledge Points   Using Proper Words	1.Types of Words	2.Formal and Technical Words	3.Common Words	4.Colloquial Words   Choice of Accurate Words	1.Synonym	2.General Words and Specific Words	3.Denotation and Connotation	4.Polysemy	5.Part of Speech	6.Positive/Medium/Negative  ⅢSamples  ⅣSummary  ⅤExercises CHAPTER2 Good Sentences  ⅠDiscussion  ⅡKnowledge Points   Complete Sentences and Sentence Fragments	1.Simple Sentences	2.Compound Sentences	3.Complex Sentences	4.Compound-complex Sentences   Variety of Sentences	1.Declarative, Interrogative, Imperative, and Exclamatory Sentences	2.Inversion, Emphasis  Ⅲ Samples  Ⅳ Summary  ⅤExercises CHAPTER 3 Correct and Effective Paragraphs  ⅠDiscussion  ⅡKnowtedge Points   Effective Paragraphs	1.Unity	2.Coherence	3.Development	4.Good Grammar	5.Transition   Ways of Developing Paragraphs	1.Development by Definition	2.Development by Time	3.Development by Space	4.Development by Process	5.Development by Examples	6.Development by Comparisons and Contrasts	7.Development by Cause and Effect	8.Development by Classification  Ⅲ Samples  Ⅳ Summary  ⅤExercises CHAPTER 4 The Whole Composition  ⅠDiscussion  Ⅱ Knowledge Points   Steps of Writing   Types of Writing	1.Description	2.Narration	3.Exposition	4.Argumentation  Ⅲ Samples  Ⅳ Summary  ⅤExercisesPart Two Practical Writing CHAPTER 5 Individual Paperwork  Section 1 Resumes   ⅠDiscussion   ⅡKnowledge Points    Types of Resume	 1.Chronological Resurre     2.Functional Resume  	 3.Combination Resume	 4.Targeted Resume	 5.Mini Resume   ⅢSamples   ⅣSummary   ⅤExercise  Section 2 AppHention   ⅠDiscussion   ⅡKnow|edge Points   ⅢSamples   ⅣSummary   ⅤExercises  Section 3 Business Cards   ⅠDiscussion   ⅡKnowledge Points   ⅢSamples   ⅣSummary   ⅤExercises CHAPTER 6 General Business Paperwork  Section I Notes   ⅠDiscussion   ⅡKnowledge Points    Contents and Function    Some Basic Sentences   ⅢSamples   ⅣSummary   ⅤExercises  Section 2 Notice   ⅠDiscussion   ⅡKnowledge Points    Contents and Function    Some Basic Sentences   ⅢSamples   ⅣSummary   ⅤExercises  Section 3 Reports   ⅠDiscussion   ⅡKnowledge Points    Contents and Function    Formats of Long Reports    Some Basic Sentences    Formats of Short Reports   ⅢSamples   ⅣSummary   ⅤExercises  Section 4 Secretary Documents——Invitation   ⅠDiscussion   ⅡKnowledge Points    Contents and Function	Some Basic Sentences   ⅢSamples   ⅣSummary   ⅤExercises  Section 5 Secretary Doeumeuts-Certificates   ⅠDiscussion   ⅡKnowledge Points	Contents and Function	Some Basic Sentences   ⅢSamples   ⅣSummary   ⅤExercise  Section 6 Secretary Documents——Thanks   ⅠDiscussion   ⅡKnowledge Points    Contents and Function	Some Basic Sentences   ⅢSamples   ⅣSummary   ⅤExercise  Section 7 Secretary Documents——Apology   ⅠDiscussion……CHAPTER 7 Foreign Trade Paperwork


  The bold transitional words in the preceding sample paragraph are simple and clear. In fact, with the exception of "finally", they can be omitted, because the sentences explaining the steps required building a fire are in a direct time order, from first to last. Transitions are used to help readers understand what the writer is saying. The most common transitional words in a process order are "first, next, then, finally". There are some other transitions. Such as "prepositional phrases" referring to order is on variety. For example in "After folding the cardboard over the paper, lay the kindling over it, forming a pyramid. Fold the cardboard over the paper before laying the kindling over it, forming a pyramid." Another variety involves combining two sentences by subordinating one of them into a "before" or "after" clause such as "After you have piled the remaining small logs and all the large ones onto the pyramid, you can finally light the paper," or "Pile the remaining small logs and all the large ones onto the pyramid before you finally light the paper."  From the above, we know that when we use process to develop our paragraph, we mean to tell others bow to do something, without signifying specific points of time, but according to the fixed steps in a process arranged in the order they occur so that readers can follow the process clearly.



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