出版时间:2009-9 出版社:浙江大学出版社 作者:徐小洲 等著 页数:269 字数:432000
Since the foundation of Peoples Republic of China in 1949, Chinas education has experienced 60 years of development. This was not an easy period for modem China. Just like what was said by Deng Xiaoping, the general designer of Chinas Reform and Opening Up, "Since there is no previous experience to fall back on, we need to wade across the stream by feeling the way." We must acknowledge that the reform in China has inevitably faced a lot of difficulties and frustrations, particularly in the first 30 years since the foundation of Peoples Republic of China. However, the introduction of Reform and Opening Up Policy in 1978 has brought China new ideas and a correct direction. Since then, tremendous developments have taken place. Human resources have been gradually regarded as the first productivity and thus education, through which creative talents are cultivated, has been given special attention in the policy of central government. If you thumb through the recent policy text, you will find that emphasis like "giving priority to education," "promoting the education equity, deeply implementing the strategy of developing the country through science and education and to strengthen the country by talented persons," etc., have become the key guidelines of the educational policy in China. As known to all, the educational development of a country is based on its economic foundation. Therefore, the making of the educational policies must be consistent with the real situation of certain historical periods. Since 1978, the educational policy in China has experienced mainly four stages: (1) The recovery and reconstruction of the educational order (1978-1984). Education in China suffered great losses during the ten-years "Cultural Revolution". So the basic framework of educational policies in this stage was to correct the wrong thoughts of education, recover and improve the basic educational system, commence on building an educational system and adapting to the economic construction. (2) The total start-up of educational system reform (1985-1992).
Educational Policies and Legislation in China provides a comprehensive overview of the development of educational policies and legislation in China, particularly those after the introduction of Reform and Opening Up Policy in 1979. This book discusses the theoretic basis and framework of educational policies, explains the important educational laws and legislations, and introduces the policies of educational internationalization, private education, lifelong learning and teacher education. The characteristics and trends of educational policies and legislation in China are also provided based on solid and systematic analysis. The book is intended for researchers, teachers and graduate students in the field of comparative education, educational policy and legislation, educational management, etc.
Dr. Xiaozhou Xu is a professor of Comparative Education and Dean of the College of Education at Zhejiang University, China. He is also Director of National Centre for Curriculum of Basic Education, and Co-director of Seeco Educational Research Centre at Z
Series Editors' PrefacePreface1 Theoretic Basis of Educational Policies in China 1.1 Education Position 1.1.1 Historical Context of Education Position 1.1.2 Education Position in Modem China 1.2 Education Quality 1.2.1 Education Quality in Ancient China 1.2.2 Education Quality in Modern China 1.3 Education Equity 1.3.1 Policies and Laws about Education Equity 1.3.2 College Entrance Examination 1.3.3 To Develop Education in the Western Areas 1.3.4 To Help the Poor Students 1.4 Conclusion2 System of Educational Legislation 2.1 Major Course of the Construction of China's Educational Legislation 2.1.1 Foundation Period of Socialistic Educational Legislation System (1949-1956) 2.1.2 Error-making and Misleading Period of the Educational Legislation System (1957-1976) 2.1.3 Recovering, Reconstructing, Rapid Developing Period of the Educational Legislation System (1977~Present) 2.2 Framework of the Education Laws and Regulations System 2.2.1 The Status of the Education Laws and Regulations in the National Law System 2.2.2 The Structure of Education Laws and Regulations System" 2.3 Education Legislation and Execution of Education Laws and Regulations 2.3.1 Legislature and Jurisdiction Compartmentalization 2.3.2 Education Legislation Procedure 2.3.3 Implementation and Inspection of Education Laws and Regulations 2.4 Analysis of Important Educational Laws and Regulations 2.4.1 Decision on the Reform of the Education System 2.4.2 The Education Law of PRC 2.4.3 Decision on Deepening Educational Reform and Promoting Quality Education on an All-round Way"3.The Outline and Planning of Educational Development in China 3.1 The Outline of Educational Reform and Development in China 3.1.1 Situation and Tasks Faced by Chinese Education 3.1.2 Goal, Strategy and Leading Policy of the Educational Development 3.1.3 Reform of the Education System 3.1.4 Comprehensive Implementation of the Education Policy and Comprehensive Raising of the Quality of Education" 3.1.5 Setting Up the Teacher Corps 3.1.6 Education Outlay 3.2 Two Action Plans of Rejuvenating Education 3.2.1 Action Plan of Rejuvenation Education for the 21 st Century 3.2.2 Action Plan for Invigorating Education 2003-2007. 3.3 Analysis of the Outline of Educational Development Plan in China 3.3.1 The Outline of the 9th Five-Year Plan for China's Educational Development and the Development Plan for 2010.' 3.3.2 The Outline of the 10th Five-Year Plan for China's Educational Development 3.3.3 The Outline of the 1 l th Five-Year Plan for China's Educational Development4 Policies of Educational Internationalization in China 4.1 Policy on Chinese-foreign Cooperation in Running Schools 4.1.1 Evolution of the Policy on Chinese-foreign Cooperation in Running Schools 4.1.2 Government's Commitment to Educational Trade in Service 4.1.3 Basic Condition of Chinese-foreign Cooperation in Running Schools 4.1.4 Contents and Characteristics of the Policy on CFCRS" 4.1.5 Problems and Policy Issues on CFCRS 4.2 The Policy on Studying Abroad 4.2.1 The Evolution of the Policy on Studying Abroad 4.2.2 The Basic Condition of Studying Abroad 4.2.3 The Content and Characteristic of the Policy on Studying Abroad 4.2.4 Conclusion 4.3 Policies on Internationalization of Higher Education in China" 4.3.1 Evolution of the Policies on Internationalization of Higher Education 4.3.2 The Basic Condition of International Students in China 4.3.3 Approaches and Characteristics of the Policies on Internationalization of Higher Education 4.4 Conclusion 4.4.1 Unbalance of the Internationalization of Higher Education 4.4.2 Need for a Substantial Expansion of Foreign Students Studying in China 4.4.3 Constructing the International Curriculum System5 Historic Policies of Private Education 5.1 History of Private Education in China 5.1.1 From the Beginning 5.1.2 In Modern China 5.2 Current Development of Private Education in China 5.2.1 Three Stages of Private Education in the New Era(1978-Present) 5.2.2 Types of Private Schools in China 5.2.3 Importance of Private Education in Modern China 5.2.4 New Challenges and Prospect of Private Education 5.3 Legislation and Policies of Private Education in China 5.3.1 Central Legislation 5.3.2 Local Policies 5.4 Private Education Models with Local Characteristics 5.5 Summary6 Policies of Lifelong Learning 6.1 Lifelong Learning Policy in China 6.1.1 Background of the Rise of Lifelong Learning 6.1.2 What Is Lifelong Learning? 6.1.3 Policies and Laws about Lifelong Education in China" 6.2 Continuing Education Policy in China 6.2.1 The Meaning of Continuing Education in China 6.2.2 Historical Develonment of Continuing Education in China 6.2.3 Current Situation of Continuing Education in China 6.2.4 Policies of Continuing Education 6.2.5 The Characteristics of Continuing Education in China-.7 Teacher Policy 7.1 Teacher Education System 7.1.1 History Review of Teacher Education System in China" 7.1.2 Present Situation of Teacher Education System in China-" 7.1.3 Problems Existing in the Current Policies and Regulations.. 7.1.4 Conclusion 7.2 Teachers Law 7.2.1 General Provisions of Teachers Law of China 7.2.2 Contents of Teachers Law 7.2.3 Current Problems in Teachers Law 7.2.4 Conclusion8 Characteristics and Trends of Educational Policy and Legislation in China 8.1 Characteristics of Educational Policy and Legislation in China 8.1.1 Transformation of Educational Policy and Legislation Corresponds to the Social and Economic Development: A Content Perspective 8.1.2 Formation and Implementation of Educational Pohcy and Legislation Becomes More Open: A Process Perspective" 8.1.3 From Country-oriented Value to People-oriented Value: A Value Persnective 8.2 Trends of Educational Policy and Legislation in China 8.2.1 Strategy of"Giving a Priority to the Development of Education" 8.2.2 Compulsory Education: Narrowing the Education Gap and Promoting Education Equity" 8.2.3 Higher Education: Constructing Several World Level Universities 8.2.4 Diversification, Lifelong Learning and Internationalization of EducationReferencesIndex
Recently, the Chinese Government has adopted a series of measures to increase input into education. In order to improve the quality of education in rural areas, the Central and local governments have invested additional funds for education, and have implemented the "Two Exempt and One Subsidy" policy in a period of compulsory education, which has benefited 150 million within the rural population and improved the situation of rural compulsory education dramatically. The central financial authority will invest 10 billion yuan RMB to support the basic competence construction of vocational education. In the area of higher educa-tion, China will continue to implement the "211 Project" and the "985 Project". In 1995, the Chinese Government initiated the "211 Project", with the intent to build around one hundred universities and eight hundred key disciplines for the 21 st century. The "211 Project" requires that all the relevant universities should conduct reforms con- cerning the internal administrative system and the operational mechanism, so as to cul- tivate, sustain and attract the first-level talents, while at the same time guarantee the financial support for the teaching and research of key disciplines. In 1999, the Min- istry of Education of the PRC issued The Action Plan for Invigorating Education Toward the 21 st Century, which declares that China intends to build several world-class universities and a set of world famous high level research universities. This project is called the "985 Project" and is receiving and will continue to receive significant financial support from the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Finance.