出版时间:2007-8 出版社:浙江大学 作者:陈才宇 页数:218 字数:200000
Lecture 1 Poetry ABC
Rules and Forms of Poetic Composition
Part One English Poetry
Lecture 2 Old English Poetry
Charm for Catching a Swarm of Bees
Religious Poetry
The Grave
Lecture 3 Middle English Poetry
Sir Gawain and Green Knight(extract)
Beast Vee Tale
The Fox and the Wolf in the Well(extract)
Folk Song
The Cuckoo Song
The Unquiet Grave
Lecture 4 现实生活中的诗人乔叟和其他
Lecture 5 人文主义诗人莎士比亚
Lecture 6 绮丽派、玄学派、歌曲诗人与其他
Lecture 7 道德诗人弥尔顿与其他
Lecture 8 浪漫主义:纯幻想的诗人、农民诗人和自然的诗人
Lecture 9 浪漫主义:个人英雄主义诗人、革命诗人和诗人的诗人
Lecture 10 艺术的诗人丁尼生与其他
Lecture 11 惟美主义、象征主义与其他
Lecture 12 忧郁的诗人爱伦·坡与其他
Lecture 13 朗费罗和惠特曼:浪漫主义中的温和派和狂放派
Lecture 14 意象派:保姆与两旗手
Lecture 15 客观主义、印象主义、现实主义和真实主义
Lecture 16 T.S.艾略特与其他现代派诗人
In the history of English literature,Chaucer was the first man of letters to havemade great achievement in the compositionof poetry, thus winning the title "father ofEnglish poetry " after death. Chaucer'sliterary career was divided into threeperiods: the French, the halian and theEnglish. His masterpiece is The Canterbu-ry Tales, in which he gives us a vivid pic-ture of contemporary English life, thereupon critics call him "a poet ofreal life". In The Talcs, the storytellers come from all walks of life, andalmost all medieval poetic forms are adopted by the poet to tell his tales.We can safely say, the book is a neat epitome of the medieval Englishlife and literature as well. Read the following lines from The Canterbury Tales: When in April the sweet showers fallAnd pierce the drought of March to the root, and allThe veins are bathed in liquor of such power①As brings about the engendering of the flower;When also Zephyrus with his sweet breath②Exhales an air in every grove and heath③Upon the tender shoots, and the young sunHis half-course in the sign of the Ram has run,④And the small fowl are making melody⑤That sleep away the night with open eye-( So nature pricks them and their heart engages)Then people long to go on pilgrimages,And palmers long to seek the strange strands⑥Of far-off saints, hallowed in sundry lands,⑦And specially, from every shire's endOf England, down to Canterbury they wend⑧To seek the holy blissful martyr, quick 当四月的甘霖涔涔 渗透三月干枯的须根, 茎丝叶络受琼浆沐濯, 枝头孕育出花蕾朵朵; 当仄费洛斯的和风 吹过田野与树丛, 掠过嫩芽,青春的金轮 转过半边白羊宫, 小鸟儿唱起曲调, 睁着双眼度过良宵-- (自然如此拨动它们的心弦) 这时,人们渴望外出朝觐, 行脚僧想要跋涉异乡, 朝拜闻名四方的圣邦, 从英格兰各州各郡, 更有众多上坎特伯雷的人, 他们要去朝拜殉难圣徒, 那位乐于治病救人的恩主。 【点评】 这是《坎特伯雷故事》开宗明义的十八行诗,交待了时间、地点 和人物。这个著名的开场白居然只有一个句子:前十一行是由两个 when构成的时间状语,后七行才是主语。有如此美妙的起笔,后面 的珠玑妙文是可以期待了。