
出版时间:2006-8  出版社:浙江大学出版社  作者:方凡  页数:180  






IntroductionChapter1  Mefafiction and Postemodernism  A.Fredric Jameson s Pariodizing Hypothesis  B.Definitions of Metafiction by Furopean and American Wreiters and Critics    1.Various Definitions of Meatfiction    2.The Relationship between Metafiction and Postmodernism    3.Metafiction and Its ALternative Terms  C.General Issues and Signs of Metafication    1.The Arbitrariness of Language    2.The Artificiality of Fiction    3.The Paradoxical Status of Author    4.Intertextuality  D.William Gass on Metafication    1.William Gass as A Language Philosopher and a Metafictionist    2.The Characteristics of William Gass s Metafictional Theory and Practice    3.William Gass Compard with Other MetafictionistsChapter2  A World of Words-William Gass s Metyafictional Essentials  A.The Influence of Wittgenstein s Philosophy of Language on William Gass  B.William Gass s Primacy of Words in Ordinary and Literary Contexts    1.Language as the Medium in Perceiving the World    2.The Difference of Literary and Daily Languages  C.William Gass s Theory of Fiction as a Linguistic Construct    1.The Nature of Textual Reality    2.Metaphiors in Literary Context    3.The Concept of Characters in Fiction  D.William Gass s Practice of a World of Words    ……  E.Reflections on William Gass s World of WordsChapter3  The Game of Sentences_William Gass s Metafictional Devices  A.The Postemodern Frame and Frame-breaking Viewpoints  B.William Gass s Theory of Narrative Structiure  C.William Gass s Narratives of Designed Chaos  D.The Language of William Gass s Fiction:Creating Heterocosm or Not?Chapter4  The Fiction as an Object Worthy of Love-William Gass s Metafictional Significance  A.Art and Morality  B.The Functions of the Artist  C.The Readerand the CreationConclusionWorks Cited附录一 将“元小说”进行到底的美国后现代派作家威廉·加斯附录二 幻影 戏仿 游戏——评威廉·加斯《在中部地区的深处》的元小说特点附录三 《在中部地区的深处》附录四 威廉·加斯生平大事记后记




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