
出版时间:2004-9  出版社:浙江大学出版社  作者:马群  页数:159  


《实务商务英语》适用于MBA、商务英语学生,以及有较好日常英语基础又想提高在现有工作或未来就业中所需的商务技巧和商务动作能力的学生和在岗商务人士,旨在帮助他们适应中加入WTO以后各行各业频繁的国际交流商务往来的需求。    商务英语书籍可谓层不出穷,但大多数均为基础的商务英语。本书包括精心挑选的经典案例和结合经验的商务技巧两项内容。其中经典案例精选国际知名学府的最新经典案例及自编实际运用案例,内容涉及商务运作的各个方面,而且充分考虑了课堂教学及自学的客观需求。    本书结合作者多年从事商务活动的经验,不仅为学生提供了职业化的商务理念,同时充分考虑到学生商务英语语言缺乏规范性,因此在淡论技巧的同时,又为学生全面归纳了商务英语实践所需的系统化、规范化的英语句型,为商务活动的准确性、规范化和职业化提供了完善的准备。


前言Section One Business English Communication  Chapter 1 Presentation    Part Ⅰ Planning and getting started    Part Ⅱ The middle of the presentation    Part Ⅲ The end of the presentation     Part Ⅳ Other tips for perfecting the presentation  Chapter 2 Using the Telephone    Part Ⅰ Preparing for a call    Part Ⅱ Handling complints and other problems  Chapter 3 Arraging Meetings    Part Ⅰ Preparing and arranging for the meeting     Part Ⅱ Ending meeting   Chapter 4 Negotiations    Part Ⅰ The art of negotiation    Part Ⅱ Cultural awareness in international negotation    Part Ⅲ How to have a successful negotiationSection Two Business Simulations and Situations  Chapter 1 Simulations    Part Ⅰ The magazine    Part Ⅱ Polluting the river    Part Ⅲ Quality and personnel    Part Ⅳ Planning for disater     Part Ⅴ A big new feature film    Part Ⅵ Extra perks?  Chapter 2 Business Situations    Part Ⅰ Smoke signals    Part Ⅱ Big fish don't jump    Part Ⅲ The Hohokum virus    Part Ⅳ Dirty workAppendix 1 Interview English and Skills    Part Ⅰ Frquently uesd English in Intervies    Part Ⅱ Skills for a successful interviews    Part Ⅲ Mistakes in interviesAppedndix 2 Business Etiquette    Part Ⅰ 商务就餐注意事项    Part Ⅱ 商务着装注意事项    Part Ⅲ 体态语Appendix 3 Language for Discussion




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  •   本书后半段的口语操练,情景设置的很好。适合30人的班级,每组7-8人的口语操练。
  •   晚上买的,第二天就到了,不得不佩服这种速度啊!质量也还好啊!
  •   上课的课本 和学校发的一样
    内容还是不错的 值得认真看

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