
出版时间:2004-9  出版社:浙江大学  作者:翁凤翔 编  页数:389  


  Preface  Opportunities for careers in International Business have increased tremendously especially since China joined the World Trade Organization. As a result, the need for current knowledge about international business practice and terminology is crucial. Although there are many reference books available, some are published abroad and therefore can be very difficult to understand, while those published in China lack the necessary international business terminology and expressions in English. A Series of New Century International Business, edited by Professor WENG Fengxiang, solves these problems. The series consists of four books written in simple English, but it also includes explanations of the more difficult  points written in Chinese. Readers are sure to benefit from his explanations of English international business expressions. Professor WENG makes a great contribution to the teaching and learning of international business.  Professor WENG Fengxiang, having worked as a consultant for international companies, is very experienced in current international business practice. Currently, he is an Associate Professor of International Business at Shanghai Maritime University. As well as teaching International Business English, Professor WENG also teaches International Trade and International Payments. As a leading expert in his discipline, Professor WENG is among the supervisors of International Business Translation postgraduates. Having conducted academic research in the UK, he has been invited to be a Guest Professor at the Business  School of University of Central England, Birmingham.  Professor WENG is the author of a number of books on International Business English. Changes in international business happen quickly, and keeping up with international issues and their impact on international business can be difficult. The series addresses both the instructors' and the students' needs for current information. I highly recommend the series to the International Business and Business English learners.  Han Zhonghua (韩忠华)  Professor of English & Translation  Shanghai Maritime University  January 28, 2004


  Opportunities for careers in International Business have increased tremendously especially since China joined the World Trade Organization. As a result, the need for current knowledge about international business practice and terminology is crucial. Although there are many reference books available, some are published abroad and therefore can be very difficult to understand, while those published in China lack the necessary international business terminology and expressions in English. A Series of New Century International Business, edited by Professor WENC Fengxiang, solves these problems. The series consists of four books written in simple English, but it also includes explanations of the more difficult points written in Chinese. Readers are sure to benefit from his explanations of English international business expressions. Professor WENG makes a great contribution to the teaching and learning of international business.


Chapter 1 General Survey of International Trade1.1 What Is International Trade?1.2 International Business and International Trade1.3 How Did International Trade Start?1.4 The Benefits, Structure of, and Reasons for International Trade1.4.1 The Benefits of International Trade1.4.2 The Structure of International Trade1.4.3 The Reasons for International trade1.5 International Trade in the Framework of the World Economy1.6 Balance of Payments1.7 International Trade Theories1.7.1 Mercantilism1.7.2 Theory of Absolute Advantage1.7.3 Theory of Comparative Advantages1.7.4 New Theories1.8 International Trade and the World Trade Organization (WTO)1.8.1 GATT and WTO1.8.2 Differences Between GATT and WTO1.8.3 China and WTO1.9 Free Trade Area and Free Trade Zone1.9.1 Free Trade Area1.9.2 Free Trade Zone1.10 The Triad1.10.1 The NAFTA1.10.2 The EU1.10.3 Japan1.11 International Trade Barriers1.11.1 The Reasons for Trade Barriers1.11.2 Commonly-used Barriers1.11.3 Tariffs1.11.4 Non-tariff Barriers1.12 Globalization1.12.1 The Development of Globalization1.12.2 The Definition of Globalization1.12.3 The Causes of Globalization1.12.4 The Present Status of Globalization1.13 Risks in International Trade1.13.1 Market Risk1.3.2 Payment Risk1.13.3 Foreign Exchange Risk1.13.4 Political Risk1.13.5 Geographic Risk1.13.6 Inflation and Interest Rate Risks1.14 Foreign Investment1.14.1 Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)1.14.2 Portfolio Investment (PI)1.14.3 FDI in China1.15 Multinational Enterprises (MNEs)1.15.1 Characteristics of MNEs1.15.2 The Reasons Why Firms Become MNEs1.16 China in the International Trade Arena1.16.1 The Development of China's International Trade……Chapter 2 Some Organizations Related to InternationalChapter 3 Export of Goods(I)Chapter 4 Export of Goods(II)Chapter 5 Export of Goods(III)Chapter 6 Services in International TradeChapter 7 ImportChapter 8 International Trade Laws,Rules and RegulationsChapter 9 ICC Incoterms 2000Chapter 10 International PaymentsChapter 11 Other Modes and Respects of International TradeChapter 12 Documentation of ExportChapter 13 Electronic-commerce and International TradeAppendix Samples of Export Documentation



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