
出版时间:2004-1  出版社:涂定武 浙江大学出版社 (2004-01出版)  


Opportunities for careers in International Business have increased tremendouslyespecially since China joined the World Trade Organization. As a result, the need forcurrent knowledge about international business practices and terminology is crucial.Although there are many reference books available, some are published abroad andtherefore can be very difficult to understand, while those published in China lack the necessary English international business terminology and expressions. A Series ofInternational Business, edited by Professor Weng Fengxiang, solves these problems.The Series consists of four books written in simple English, but it also includesexplanations of the more difficult points written in Chinese. Readers are sure tobenefit from his explanations of English international business expressions. ProfessorWeng makes a great contribution to the teaching and learning of internationalbusiness.Professor Weng Fengxiang, having worked as a consultant for internationalcompanies, is very experienced in current international business practice. Currently,he is an Associate Professor of International Business at Shanghai MaritimeUniversity. As well as teaching International Business English, Professor Weng alsoteaches International Trade and International Payments. As a leading expert in hisdiscipline, Professor Weng is among the supervisors of International BusinessTranslation postgraduates. Having conducted academic research in the UK, he hasbeen invited to be a Guest Professor at the Business School of University of CentralEngland, Birmingham.Professor Weng is the author of a number of books on International BusinessEnglish. Changes in international business happen quickly, and keeping up withinternational issues and their impact on international business can be difficult. TheSeries addresses both the instructors' and the students' needs for currentinformation. I highly recommend The Series to the International Business and Business English learners.Han Zhonghua (韩忠华)Professor of English & TranslationShanghai Maritime UniversityJanuary 28,2004




Chapter 1 Negotiating & Concluding International Business Contracts 国际商贸合同的洽谈和立The Objectives of This Chapter 本章目的1.1 Negotiating International Business Contracts 国际商贸合同的洽谈1.1.1 Negotiating Style 洽谈方式1.1.2 Negotiating Teams 谈判团队1.1.3 Negotiating Procedures 谈判程序1.2 Procedures of Concluding International Business Contracts 订立国际商贸合同的程序1.2.1 Offer 要约1.2.2 Acceptance 承诺1.2.3 Concluding International E-commerce Contracts 国际电子商贸合同的订立1.2.4 Legal Elements of Business Contracts 商贸合同的法律要素Summary of Chapter 1 本章概要Discussion Questions 思考题Glossary 词汇Chapter 2 Drafting International Business Contracts 国际商贸合同的起草The Objectives of This Chapter 本章目的2.1 Principles of Drafting International Business Contracts 起草原则2.2 Checklists of International Business Contracts 审查项目2.2.1 Identity of Parties 主体2.2.2 Recitals 背景2.2.3 Definitions 定义2.2.4 Representations and Warranties 陈述与保证2.2.5 Obligations of the Parties义务2.2.6 Term of the Contract合同期限2.2.7 Price价格2.2.8 Payment Terms支付2.2.9 Inspection检验2.2.10 Intellectual Property知识产权2.2.11 Liability责任2.2.12 Termination of Contract合同终止2.2.13 Confidentiality保密条款2.2.14 Default履约不当2.2.15 Disputes争议解决2.2.16 Indemnification免责保护2.2.17 Miscellaneous其他事项2.2.18 Signatures签署……




PrefaceOpportunities for careers in International Business have increased tremendouslyespecially since China joined the World Trade Organization. As a result, the need forcurrent knowledge about international business practices and terminology is crucial.Although there are many reference books available, some are published abroad andtherefore can be very difficult to understand, while those published in China lack the necessary English international business terminology and expressions. A Series ofInternational Business, edited by Professor Weng Fengxiang, solves these problems.The Series consists of four books written in simple English, but it also includesexplanations of the more difficult points written in Chinese. Readers are sure tobenefit from his explanations of English international business expressions. ProfessorWeng makes a great contribution to the teaching and learning of internationalbusiness.      Professor Weng Fengxiang, having worked as a consultant for internationalcompanies, is very experienced in current international business practice. Currently,he is an  Associate  Professor of  International  Business  at  Shanghai  MaritimeUniversity. As well as teaching International Business English, Professor Weng alsoteaches International Trade and International Payments. As a leading expert in hisdiscipline,  Professor Weng is among the supervisors of  International BusinessTranslation postgraduates. Having conducted academic research in the UK, he hasbeen invited to be a Guest Professor at the Business School of University of CentralEngland, Birmingham.      Professor Weng is the author of a number of books on International BusinessEnglish. Changes in international business happen quickly, and keeping up withinternational issues and their impact on international business can be difficult. TheSeries addresses both  the  instructors'  and  the  students'  needs for  currentinformation.  I highly recommend The Series to the International Business and Business English learners.                                               Han Zhonghua  (韩忠华)                                          Professor of English & Translation                                                Shanghai Maritime University                                                         January 28,2004



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