
出版时间:2004-5-1  出版社:浙江大学出版社  作者:方宁  页数:163  


  《大学英语二级模拟试题汇编》是根据《大学英语·精读》(修订版)第二册编写的自测练习用书,旨在帮助学生复习和巩固所学的重点和难点,以达到以下三个目标:  1.复习和掌握《大学英语》教科书中的重点和难点,帮助学生在英语期末考试中取得好成绩。  2.根据《大学英语三级考试大纲》和《高职高专英语应用能力考试大纲》的要求,把在《大学英语》第二册中出现的重点词汇和词组,以及重点语法结构和句型编成练习,帮助学生打好大学英语三级考试和应用能力考试的语言基础。  3.我们知道,实践是学好英语的重要一环。本书提供了大量的针对性练习题,学生通过反复练习和实践,他们的英语水平会不断提高。只要持之以恒,必定能取得良好的效果。  本书收有十套模拟试卷,每套模拟试卷包含六大部分——词汇、语法(结构)、完形填空、阅读理解、英译汉和汉译英,基本按照大学英语三级考试和应用能力考试的形式编排,以便学生一开始就熟悉这两种考试形式和要求。  本书由方宁主编,王致华、楼四骏为副主编,参加编写的还有邱素芬、唐菲、俞青、李纪才等。  赵树人教授审阅了全书并提出了宝贵建议,谨表示感谢。  为使本书不断完善,我们衷心希望读者和专家提出宝贵建议。


STUDENTS’BOOKTest paper 1Test Paper 2Test Paper 3Test Paper 4Test Paper 5Test Paper 6Test Paper 7Test Paper 8Test Paper 9Test Paper 10ANSWER KEYS AND NOTESKey to Test Paper 1Key to Test Paper 2Key to Test Paper 3Key to Test Paper 4Key to Test Paper 5Key to Test Paper 6Key to Test Paper 7Key to Test Paper 8Key to Test Paper 9Key to Test Paper 10


  Test Paper 5  Part I  Vocabulary  Directions : There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A ), B ), C) and D ) . Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence.  1. The customer__________the money on the counter and went away.  A) lay           B) lied  C) laid           D) was laying  2. The doctor used strong medicine to___________the sick child suffering from :  stomachache.  A) restore           B) cure  C) treat            D) recover  3. When confronted with such questions, my mind goes________and can     hardly remember my own birthday.  A) dim               B) vain  C) blank           D) faint  4. The book written by this great writer is__________reading.  A) worthy          B) worthwhile  C) worth             D) worthless  5. She came across her friend__________on Duangda Street.  A) by a chance           B) on a chance  C) by chance         D) on the chance  6. If you_________yourself to the textbook, you will find it very helpful.  A) absorb             B) appeal  C) apply           D) abandon  7 The strikers refused to have meals in_________________________for three days.  A)protest  B)propose  C)prospect D)protect  8 She gave up,forthe——of peace.  A)shake  B)idea  C)target D)sake  9.Henry felt____________________of having asked such a silly question.  A)ashamed  B)miserable  C)sorry D)guilty  10.We that it will take at least one month to finish the work  A)estimate  B)escape  C)establish D)accomplish  11.I can’t——her talking like that about my friends.  A)stand  B)afford  C)know  D)sure  12 I_________________________to read the whole novel in one sitting.  A)attracted  B)attached  C)attacked D)attempted  13 Elizabeth didn’t know much English,so she had to read Shakespeare’s  plays in________________________________.  A)translation  B)original  C)earnest D)name  14.The chemical__________________________________for water is H20  A)form  B)formula  C)formal  D)forr~er  1 5.——suggestions are welcome at any time.  A)Productive  B)Portable  C)Constructive D)Liable  16.Inthismap,thetowns are——by a red dot.  A)influenced  B)signed  C)directed  D)indicated  17.He is________________________________against the tall tree.  A)leaning  B)leading  C)leaking D)lying  18.You arethe__________________________personI an2lookingfor.  A)very  B)one  C)much  D)far  19.Water usually freezes when temperature is___________________zero.  A)under  B)below  C)beneath  D)lower  20.Wait till you are more________It’s better to be sure than sorry  A)inspired  B)certain  C)satisfied  D)calm  PartⅡ Structure  Directions:There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part For each sentence therearefour choicesmarkedA),B),C)andD)ChoosetheONE answerthat best  completes the sentence.  21_______________is the sun that gives us light and heat,________________makes________________________________ possible for plants to grow well  A)It;which;it  B)It;that;them  C)That;which;them  D)This;that;it  22 The skyscraper stands out__________________________—the blue sky.  A)beneath  B)under  C)against D)in  23 By no means_______________________look down upon people who have less education  thanwe do.  A)should we  B)we shouldn’t  C)shouldwe not  -D)we should  24.The old man had a son and two daughters,____________were studying at  sch001.  A)they  B)all ofthem  C)all of.whom D)all of who  25 ItoldTom howto getthere,but perhapsI——for him.  A)ought to write it out  B)should have written it out  ……


  前言  《大学英语二级模拟试题汇编》是根据《大学英语·精读》(修订版)第二册编写的自测练习用书,旨在帮助学生复习和巩固所学的重点和难点,以达到以下三个目标:  1.复习和掌握《大学英语》教科书中的重点和难点,帮助学生在英语期末考试中取得好成绩。  2.根据《大学英语三级考试大纲》和《高职高专英语应用能力考试大纲》的要求,把在《大学英语》第二册中出现的重点词汇和词组,以及重点语法结构和句型编成练习,帮助学生打好大学英语三级考试和应用能力考试的语言基础。  3.我们知道,实践是学好英语的重要一环。本书提供了大量的针对性练习题,学生通过反复练习和实践,他们的英语水平会不断提高。只要持之以恒,必定能取得良好的效果。  本书收有十套模拟试卷,每套模拟试卷包含六大部分——词汇、语法(结构)、完形填空、阅读理解、英译汉和汉译英,基本按照大学英语三级考试和应用能力考试的形式编排,以便学生一开始就熟悉这两种考试形式和要求。  本书由方宁主编,王致华、楼四骏为副主编,参加编写的还有邱素芬、唐菲、俞青、李纪才等。  赵树人教授审阅了全书并提出了宝贵建议,谨表示感谢。  为使本书不断完善,我们衷心希望读者和专家提出宝贵建议。  编 者  2004年4月



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