出版时间:2012-10 出版社:武汉大学出版社 作者:蔡圣勤 页数:212 字数:270000
1.Why We Study Film in English Language Arts?
2.Why We Need to See Films and Read This Book?
3.Languages and Cultures Reflected from Film
4.The Important Impact of FiLms on Daily Life
5.Differences Between a Book and a Film
6.Words for Itructo
Chapter One Popular Culture and Film History
1.Film and Popular Culture
2.History of Motion Picture
3.Producing a Motion Picture
4.Film Distribution
Chapter Two International Festivals and Film Studios
1.International Film Festivals
2.International Film Companies
3.Western Festival Markets and Western Discoue Effect
Chapter Three Film Criteria and Cultural Values
1.No Scientific Measurer
2.Individualism and Different Cultural Psychology
3.Moral Values and Cultural Psychology in China
4.FiLm Characte Forming under the Chinese Context
5.Edward Said and Orientalism
Chapter Four Classification and Vocabulary of Films
1.Classification in Britain
2.Classification in USA
3.Classification in Australia
4.Question: Emphasis on Sex Veus Violence
5.Vocabulary of Film
Chapter Five Film Genres and Artistic Feature
I.Genre and Methodology to Classify
2.Analysis Examples of Selected Mare Genres
Chapter Six The Literary Movements and Impact to Films:
From Classicism to Modernism
1.Romanticism Movement
2.Realism Movement
3.Modernism to Post-modernism
Chapter Seven Literary Critical Approaches to Film
1.Cultural Criticism ( Cultural Studies)
2.Post-colonial Criticism
3.Strncturalism and Semiotics Criticism
4.Historical and New-historicism Criticism
5.Formalism Criticism and New Criticism
6.Sociological Criticism and Marxist Criticism
7.Gender Studies (Feminist Criticism)
8.Psychological Criticism
9.Mythological Criticism (Archetypal Criticism)
10.Reader-respoe Criticism
11.Decotrnctionist Criticism (Poststrncturalist, Post-modernism)
12.Biographical Criticism
13.Ecocriticism(Ecological Criticism)
版权页: Within the past 10 years, we rejoicingly found that there were more and moreChinese language films or films by China's directors nominated in the Oscars' listsand other international film festival lists. Chinese and other international filmreviewers call this presentation as "Match into Hollywood" and "Reviving of theorient culture". But after a survey of the Western critical reviews andunderstanding Edward Said's orientalism theory of post-colonial discourse for theEnglish language and literature, we will not consider that as a kind of culturevictory any longer. As the trend of globalization is more notable, all kinds of cultures collide andfuse each other; cross-cultural communication becomes a matter of certainty.Western culture takes the leading position for its developed economy (Huntington,1993). Western centered-culture takes its hegemony and selects what it wants forits society and its political reason or requirement, especially for the Western valueand cultural out-spreading.