出版时间:2011-10 出版社:武汉大学出版社 作者:熊俊 页数:125 字数:111000
Translation of Chinese Parody—A Sociosemiotic
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Significance of the Present Study
1.2 Aim of the Present Study
1.3 Methodology and Data Collection
1.4 Outline of the Present Study
Chapter Two Theoretical Background for This Study
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Formation and Development of Sociosemiotic Approach
2.2.1 Semiotics
2.2.2 Sociosemiotics
2.2.3 Sociosemiotic Approach to Translation
2.3 Meanings and Functions from the Perspective of
Sociosemiotic Approach to Translation
2.3.1 Meanings
2.3.2 Functions
2.4 Advantages of Sociosemiotic Approach to Translation
2.5 Summary
Chapter Three Sociosemiotic Approach and Chinese
Parody Translation
3.1 Chinese Parody
3.1.1 Introduction
3.1.2 Definition of Chinese Parody
3.1.3 Classification of Chinese Parody
3.1.4 Characteristics of Chinese Parody Formation
3.1.5 Functions of Chinese Parody
3.1.6 English Counterpart of Chinese Parody
3.1.7 Summary
3.2 Sociosemiotic Nature of Chinese Parody Translation
3.3 Criterion of Translating Chinese Parody
3.3.1 Traditional Criteria ofTranslation
3.3.2 Criterion of Sociosemiotic Approach to Chinese Parody
3.4 Summary
Chapter Four Application of Sociosemiotic Approach to
Translating Chinese Parody
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Necessity and Possibility of Achieving Equivalence in
Translating Chinese Parody
4.3 Achieving Equivalence in Translating Chinese Parody
4.3.1 Expressive Function Equivalence
4.3.2 Aesthetic Function Equivalence
4.3.3 Vocative Function Equivalence
4.3.4 Informative Function Equivalence
4.4 Means Used in Translating Chinese Parody in
Light of Sociosemiotic Approach
4.4.1 Borrowing
4.4.2 Imitating
4.4.3 Paraphrasing
4.4.4 Adapting
4.5 Summary
Chapter Five Concluding Remarks
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Major Findings
5.3 Limitations and Suggestions