出版时间:2010-11 出版社:武汉大学 作者:徐琦 页数:190
本书共有十章,包括采购计划、对供应商的考察与调研、询价、谈判、订货、付款、交货与装运、合同、保险和索赔。每一章中有七个板块:Core Module,Background Information,Functional Devices,Exercises,Brainstorming,Useful Expressions和Keys to the Exercises。Core Module中一般有若干个部分,通过会话、信函、短文等形式介绍采购过程的真实场景;Background Information提供了主题的专业知识;Functional Devices则列出了贸易过程中常用的表达。同时本书配了练习(Exercises)为读者提供专业知识与语言技能相结合的训练,以加强学习效果。在头脑风暴(Brainstorming)中,本书引入一些开放性的问题,需要读者在专业知识的基础上运用发散思维来解决,以扩展思维视角。本书在每章中还提供了与主题相关的术语。附录中是汽车配件名称的中英文对照以及一些重要的缩写表达。
Chapter 1 采购计划 Core Module Background Information Functional Devices Exercises Brainstorming Useful Expressions Keys to the Exercises Keys to the BrainstormingChapter 2 对供应商的考察与调研 Core Module Background Information Functional Devices Exercises Brainstorming Useful Expressions Keys to the Exercises Keys to the BrainstormingChapter 3 询价 Core Module Background Information Functional Devices Exercises Brainstorming Useful Expressions Keys to the Exercises Keys to the BrainstormingChapter 4 谈判 Core Module Background Information Functional Devices Exercises Brainstorming Useful Expressions Keys to the Exercises Keys to the BrainstormingChapter 5 订货 Core Module Background Information Functional Devices Exercises Brainstorming Useful Expressions Keys to the Exercises Keys to the BrainstormingChapter 6 付款 Core Module Background Information Functional Devices Exercises Brainstorming Useful Expressions Keys to the Exercises Keys to the BrainstormingChapter 7 交货与装运 Core Module Background Information Functional Devices Exercises Brainstorming Useful Expressions Keys to the Exercises Keys to the BrainstormingChapter 8 合同 Core Module Background Information Functional Devices Exercises Brainstorming Useful Expressions Keys to the Exercises Keys to the BrainstormingChapter 9 保险 Core Module Background Information Functional Devices Exercises Brainstorming Useful Expressions Keys to the Exercises Keys to the BrainstormingChapter 10 索赔 Core Module Background Information Functional Devices Exercises Brainstorming Useful Expressions Keys to the Exercises Keys to the Brainstorming附录1 国际贸易常用缩略语附录2 汽车零部件中英文对照参考文献