出版时间:2009-6 出版社:武汉大学出版社 作者:侯艳,张逸驰,温智杰 著 页数:460
全球化进程的加快已将英语学习推动到了前所未有的高度,各层次英文读者的语言水平与前些年相比有了极大的提高。市场上各类型的考试训练、技巧指导的书籍远远不能满足广大读者的要求,他们渴望有更多的选择范围,能广泛接触真实而富有趣味性的英语读物,能品味到与学习、生活、工作密切相关的原汁原味的经典作品,能体验那些触动灵魂的感受,以及人类一切美好的向往。 正是为了满足广大读者的需求,我们组织了对英语优美故事感兴趣的中青年教师选编了许多故事,组成这套丛书奉献给英语学习者。 《英语美文欣赏》系列丛书共分三册,第一册由郭冬玲、程维华编注。她们的书共有70个隽永的小故事,淡淡地叙说生活里那些不经意的美和那些感动人的瞬间,让读者在享受阅读的同时,逐步提高英语水平。本册故事按一周的七天分类,从第一天到第七天,故事由浅入深,由易而难,所附的语言和文化背景注释,让我们从各个角度进一步了解英语文化。其中12个故事是程维华编注,其余68个均由郭冬玲编注。 丛书第二册由王军和杨先奕编注了121个故事,这些故事大多由个人亲身经历激发而写成,读者因此能体味到真实感人的优美故事。故事按12个月份以及每月中的主要节日来分类,在阅读故事的过程中,读者对西方的重大节日及其来历将有所了解。
Love Melody1.How to Find True Love2.The Best Kind of Love3.Love at First Sight4.The Real Thing5.Delayed Delivery5.If It Comes Back7.The Lost Phoebe8.Return to Paradise9.His First poem10.Feels like Spring11.The Card for Wednesday12.My Only True Love13.Shmily14.True Story of Courage and LoveMother·Kids1.If Theres a Will2.Mamas Soup Pot3.Than,ks for Everything, Mom4.That Other Woman in My Life5.The Mother I Had Always Known6.The Potato Puppy7.Mothers Hands8.The Nest Is Empty9.A Happy-Ever-After10.A Nickel at a Time11.Four Ways to Love a ChildFather·Kids1.Father to Son2.Is Packing Important to You?3.Momma Says Its for You.4.Christmas Day in the Morning5.A Place Called Home6.My Favorite Fathers Day7.Presidents Address about Fathers Day8.A Ride Like No Other:Fatherhood9.My Father, My Son, My Self10.My Wonderful Lousy PoemPrecious Gifts1.Angels on the River2.The Chain of Love3.The Will4.Blossoms for Belle5.A Sailors Christmas Gift6.A Pair of New Shoes7.Christmas Present8.My $325 Salvation9.A Happy Choice10.The Red Mahogany Piano11.My Fathers TearsFantastic Dreams1.Follow Your Dream2.Look Out, Baby, Im Your Love Man3.A Curve in the River4.Our Dream House5.The Best Thing That Ever Happened to Me6.Dusk——The Magic Hour7.The Wind Beneath Her Wings8.The Power of Belief9.The Definition of Success10.Fish in a Different Pond11.Knowledge and Character12.The Terribly, Tragically Sad ManWords from the Heart1.Last Heartfelt Words2.That Restless Feeling3.Daily Soup for the Soul4.I Apologize5.Words from the Heart6.Girl Child7.Teaching Thank You8.The Little Girl Who Dared to Wish9.Sneakers10.Shady Lady11.A Womans Tears12.Your Inner VoiceMiracles1.Someone to Watch Over Me2.Sweet Water3.Always and Never Enough4.Mandys Manger Miracle5.Four Words That Changed a Life6.My Christmas Miracle7.A Teachers Touch8.I Cant Believe You9.The Gold Ring and Pearl Earrings10.Carls Garden11.Heart to Heart12.The Fortune Cookie ProphecyLiving a Happy Life1.The Defmition of Happiness2.Kiss Someone Before You Go3.Building Bridges4.Under the Whether5.Quality Retirement6.Life Is to Be Whole7.Appetite8."There" Is No Better Than "Here"9.The You of Yesterday10.Life11.Waiting for the Breeze12.Getting the Most Out of Life13.Confessions of a Happy Househusband
Yet theres more.We still have fun. Spontaneous@) good times. Yesterday, after slippingthe rubber band off the rolled up newspaper, Scott flipped it playfully atme: this led to an all-out~ war. Last Saturday at the grocery, we splitthe list and raced each other to see who could make it to the checkoutfirst. Even washing dishes can be a blast. We enjoy simply beingtogether. And there are surprises. One time I came home to find a note onthe front door that led me to another note, then another, until I reachedthe walk-in closet~. I opened the door to find Scott holding a "pot ofgold" (my cooking kettle ) and the " treasure" of a gift package.Sometimes I leave him notes on the mirror and little presents under hispillow. There is understanding. I understand why he must play basketballwith the guys. And he understands why, once a year, I must get awayfrom the .house, the kids and even him to meet my sisters for a fewdays of nonstop talking and laughing. There is sharing. Not only do we share household worries andparental burdens——we also share ideas. Scott came home from aconvention last month and presented me with a thick historical novel.