
出版时间:2009-4  出版社:武汉大学出版社  作者:冯玮 主编,杜昌国 副主编  页数:240  


  经济全球化是当代世界经济发展的重要趋势。随着经济全球化进程的不断加快,会展业已发展成为新兴的现代服务贸易型产业。会展经济逐步成为城市发展新的增长点,同时也成为衡量一个城市国际化程度和经济发展水平的重要标准之一。当前我国会展业的国际化程度不断提高,会议和展览活动都面临着与国际接轨的严峻挑战,客观上要求会展从业人员具备较强的英语沟通能力,能为各种大型国际会议和展览活动提供符合国际标准的专业化服务。  为了满足广大会展从业者提高会展商务英语技能的迫切需要,适应当前会展专业教育和培训的飞速发展,我们特组织高校会展专业和英语专业的骨干教师和会展业界的专业人士编写了本书,力求为学习者提供一本具有全球化视野和时代特色的会展专业英语教材。本教材特点鲜明:第一,内容新颖,信息量大,内容涉及会展组织和服务的主要环节和工作重点;第二,专业性和实用性较强,会话、阅读和写作材料均与会展行业的实务操作紧密衔接;第三,突出商务沟通技能培养,语言难度适宜,英语表达通俗地道。  本教材既可作为高校本科和专科会展专业、会展职业培训的教学用书,也可作为会展从业人员和有志从事会展工作的学习者的自学参考用书。  本教材根据会展行业特点以及工作要点,将内容分为两大部分:会议英语和展会英语。每一部分包括七个单元,每个单元均有五大模块:  模块一:会展商务背景。介绍会议和展览活动的相关背景和工作指南。  模块二:会展交际会话。内容涉及会展活动的主要环节和工作重点,包括会展介绍、会展策划、会展预订、会展销售、会展接待、物流服务、会后旅游和展会调查。  模块三:会展短文阅读。帮助学习者熟悉会展业务和工作要点,提高阅读理解能力。




Part One English for Conventions  Unit I  Talking about Convention Industry    Background and Direction    Dialogue 1 : What Makes a Great Convention City?    Dialogue 2: Booking a Meeting    Reading: The Historical Development of Convention Industry    Practical Writing: Convention or Meeting Proposal    Exercises  Unit 2  Planning of Meetings and Conventions    Background and Direction    Dialogue 1 : Planning for the Convention    Dialogue 2 : Arranging for the Convention    Reading: The Routine Work of Meeting Planner    Practical Writing: Convention Lead Form    Exercises  Unit 3  Conference enue Selection     Background and Direction     Dialogue 1 : Negotiating about Conference Venue     Dialogue 2 : Site Selection     Reading: Event Venue Selection     Practical Writing: Meeting Room Reservation Form       Exercises Unit 4  Selling and Promoting Conventions     Background and Direction     Dialogue 1 : Bargaining for a Discount     Dialogue 2: Negotiating Conference Facilities     Reading: Event Planning Service     Practical Writing: Convention Registration Form     Exercises  Unit 5  Conference Registration     Background and Direction     Dialogue 1: Convention Registration     Dialogue 2: Registering at Conference     Reading: Convention Registration Service     Practical Writing: Call for Conference     Exercises  Unit 6  Catering Service for Convention     Background and Direction     Dialogue 1 : Catering Arrangement for a Seminar     Dialogue 2: Confirming Catering Service     Reading: Event Catering       Practical Writing: Catering Arrangement     Exercises  Unit 7  Post-conference TourPart Two Englist for Exhibitions  Unit 8  Talking about Exhibition Industry  Unit 9  Exhibition Planning and Marketing  Unit 10  Booking a Stand  Unit 11  Booth Installation and Dismantlement  Unit 12  Exhibition Logistics  Unit 13  Exhibition Reception  Unit 14  Post-exhibition Research and AnalysisKeys to ExercisesAppendix 1 Terminology for ExhibitionsAppendix 2 Sample WritingAppendix 3 FAQ(Frequent Asked Questions)about Trade Show参考书目


  There ale mltlly variations in power supplies.Electricity can bealternating current(ac)or direct current(de)Frequency call be 50 or 60hertz(HZ)or cycles per second.Voltage also valies-evell within thesame city or country.Finally,there are 12 types of attachment plugs in usearound the world and several countries use more than one type.  Eleetrieal equipment or lighting shipped with your exhibit from theU.S.will likely need transforers or converters that can be very expensiveto rent.It is usually simpler to rent equipment locally-especially officeequipment such as fax machines,copiers,and computers.Shipping aU.S.exhibit witll multiple electrical requirements can be a budget busterdue to the high cost of~ntlng transformers.  Inadequate Or improper power supply can spell disaster for productsand demos.It can also interfere witli the proper operation of lightingfixtures.Electrical power to your booth may not be avallable 24 hours aday and may even be shut off at.show elosing.This mealis that computersand other sensitive equipment must be powered down before the showdoses each day.  Typieany trdde show services must be ordered from several providers.Individual Colltac~and order forms are included in the extdbitor manual。Quantities ale often limited so ordering early isalways advisable.  "While the main booth power supply Or plumbing connection still mustbe.ordered from the tlade show organizer,most,jf not.all work within thestand(booth space)call be done by the stand(booth)builder.thisincludes utility wire distribution(electrical,phones,computernetworking);plumbing;and hanging graphics.  Although some trade show veliues seem to be catching Oil to U.S.methods,drayage is still basically an ullknowll.Typically,if your boothships from the U.S,the freight forwarder handleS the oftloading,deliveryto the Stand,and booth crate storage during the trade show.





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  •   本书还是一本不错的书,可以学到很多东西
  •   上课用的书,不是很好
  •   书本拿在手里很舒服的感觉,呵呵,不过还没仔细看。有时间慢慢读!不错!
  •   都是一些理论的东西,没有实际操作案例。上网去搜索一些参展经验还好些。现场商务沟通也没多少。

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