出版时间:1970-1 出版社:湖北武汉大学 作者:汪火焰主编 页数:151
《大学英语快速阅读》是根据教育部颁发的《大学英语教学基本要求》以及大学英语四、六级考试最新题型而编写的。改革后的大学英语考试题型更注重扫读和寻读能力的培养,并增加了阅读的篇幅,改进了阅读理解题型,要求学生在15分钟之内完成约l 000字文章的阅读量。传统的阅读教材在阅读篇幅、阅读时间以及阅读理解题型方面都很难满足新的要求。为了适应大学英语四、六级考试的新变化,我们及时编写了《大学英语快速阅读》教材。 本教材有以下几个特点:首先是紧扣最新变化,无论是阅读篇幅还是题型都严格按最新大学英语四级考试要求编写。其次是选材多样,内容新颖,信息量大,所选短文全部是近两年英美正式发表的,以介绍英美社会、人文、习俗等背景知识为主,每单元以一个话题为中心。我们的编写宗旨不以应试为目的,而在于给学生提供高质量的英语阅读文章,使学生在愉快的阅读中,欣赏美文,开阔视野,并在不知不觉中掌握阅读技能,尤其是快速阅渎技能。最后,本教材适合于课堂和自学两种教学模式。每单元由四篇文章组成,前两篇为课内阅读,由教师按规定的时间随堂练习,有计划、有步骤地培养学生的阅读技能;后两篇文章为课后阅读,可作为课后作业和学生自主学习的材料,进一步强化和巩固课内所学的知识。 相信通过学习本教材,学生能更迅速和更有效地掌握英语阅读技能。 本教材由武汉大学外语学院大学英语部负责编写。第四册由汪火焰主编,阮琳、陈金兰参编。 由于编者水平和经验有限,且时间紧迫,教材中难免还有不足之处,热切期望广大读者不吝指正。
Unit One EntertainmentIn-Class ReadingPassage I Harry Potter Storms into HomesPassage Ⅱ Happiness Isnt for Sale, but Some PlanningAfter-Class ReadingPassage I Bite the Big ApplePassage Ⅱ How to Give Negative FeedbackUnit Two Issues on SportsIn-Class ReadingPassage I Jones Is Said to Have Failed Drug Test in JunePassage Ⅱ Deceived by a Glimpse of GreatnessAfter-Class ReadingPassage I Coping with the Inevitability of Defeat Makes Victories all the More SweetPassage Ⅱ Minimizing the Risks of Organized Youth SportsUnit Three Social ProblemsIn-Class ReadingPassage I Remember MePassage Ⅱ Faith, in Its PlaceAfter-Class ReadingPassage I When Mountains MovePassage Ⅱ Real TV?Unit Four Issues on EducationIn-Class ReadingPassage I Primary Pupils Showing Passion for LanguagesPassage Ⅱ Trouble within Those Test ScoresAfter-Class ReadingPassage I The Move to a State School Was Too Much to BearPassage I] In Elite N. Y. Schools, a Dip in Blacks and HispanicsUnit Five AnimalsIn-Class ReadingPassage I Professor AntPassage Ⅱ Cultivate Obedience in DogsAfter-Class ReadingPassage I A Sense of DangerPassage Ⅱ Its a Math World for AnimalsUnit Six Information TechnologyIn-Class ReadingPassage I [nternet and LifePassage Ⅱ How Women and Men Use the InternetAfter-Class ReadingPassage I The lnternet Transforms Modern LifePassage Ⅱ Music TelevisionUnit Seven International AffairsIn-Class ReadingPassage I UN Expresses Shock At Israeli BombingPassage Ⅱ Peace and DevelopmentAfter-Class ReadingPassage I Uncle Sam Faces a World Trade BacklashPassage Ⅱ Executive Summary of Public Views on theAnti-Terrorism Act (Canada)Unit Eight MoralityIn-Class ReadingPassage I Leadership Brings ResponsibilityPassage Ⅱ Cruel and IllegalAfter-Class ReadingPassage I Do Boys Need Fathers? This Woman Says NoPassage I1 Columbuss ParrotUnit Nine EnvironmentIn-Class ReadingPassage I "Turn Garages into HousesPassage Ⅱ Scientists Reveal Details of Brain Cell CommunicatioImplications for Learning & MemoryAfter-Class ReadingPassage I They Keep Our Buildings HummingPassage Ⅱ NewsUnit Ten Economic GrowthIn-Class ReadingPassage I Coffee Chain Brews Plan to Percolate into ChinaPassage Ⅱ What to Do about Asias Savings?After-Class ReadingPassage I If Minimum Wage Is Raised, Who Benefits?Passage Ⅱ Economy Grew at a Slower Pace, According to New Fed SnapshotKeys to Fast Reading( Book Four)
In the years since high-tech earthmoving machine made mountain toppingincreasingly attractive to the energy industry, more and more of West Virginias totalproduction of coal——some 154 million tons in 2004mhas come from its cutting thetops of highlands. Relative to Western coal (Wyoming is the nations top coalproducer), second ranked West Virginias low-sulfur bituminous bums with acleaner, hotter efficiency in the electric power plants of America. And taxes frombituminous coal help fuel a large part of the states economy.8 But some West Virginians have been paying a hurtful price for their states goodfortune——and the coal industrys cost-cutting efficiency. In 1948 some 125, 000 menworked in the mines of West Virginia. By 2005 there were fewer than 19, 000, andmost of these were employed in underground mines. Nowadays, it just doesnt takemany hands to struggle to get coal off the top of a mountain.9 Consider, for example, the Big Coal River community of Sylvester, wherefewer than 20 of its 195 longtime residents are employed in mining or relatedservices. And consider Sylvester.10 NOT FIT TO DRINK Kenneth Stroud blames the poisonous soup flowing fromthe tap in his home in Rawl for illness affecting his sons and him. Stroud and some350 other area residents are suing Massey Energy, claiming that by storing coalsludge in old mine shafts it made well water dirty, a charge the company denies. Notfar from Rawl, polluted water (top) flowing down a slope above Pigeon Creek isblamed on seepage from a coal refuse impoundment owned by Arch, a statement alsodenied. ......