出版时间:2007-9 出版社:武汉大学出版社 作者:曹曼 著 页数:672
《美国文学教程》旨在引导教师和学生全面系统地了解和研究美国文学的发展历程,探究美国社会思潮以及文化脉络,学习和理解各个时期的作家及其作品,提高文学修养,增添文学兴趣,提高英语语言能力、理解能力和欣赏水平。 本教程将美国文学按历史发展的阶段分成四个部分:殖民地和建国时期文学;浪漫主义时期文学;现实主义时期文学;现代主义文学。本教程共八个章节,集中介绍了43位美国著名的文学家和他们的优秀作品。全书以英文为主。每个章节均有历史背景介绍、作家生平简介、代表作品选读、选篇注释和赏析思考题。并附录有:美国文学编年表、文学术语阐述、思考题参考答案和四套综合练习题集。 本教程最大的特色是:现代主义时期的文学所占篇幅较大,涉及的作家和作品较多;附录材料较丰富,尤其是编写的综合练习题集,便于教师和学生检测学习效果;赏析思考题有针对性;教材适应面宽,可以作为高等学校英语专业本科生的教材及参考书,研究生辅助读本,亦可作为非英语专业的大学生的文学课外读物以及广大文学爱好者的赏析读本。为了便于教师课堂教学和学生自主学习,我们还将该教程电子课件制作成了光盘。
A Course Description of American LiteratureA Brief Introduction of American LiteraturePart One Colonial Period and Early American Literature(1620-1800)Chapter 1 The Planters and the PuritansBackground Information1.1 Captain John SmithFrom The Generall HistorieCaptain Smith Among the Indians1.2 William BradfordFrom The Pilgrims Meet the Indians1.3 Edward TaylorThe Jov of Church Fellowship Righdy AttendedChapter2 The Founders ofthe NationBackground Information2.1 Benjamin FranklinFrom The WhisfleA Receipt to Make a New England Funeral ElegyFrom The Way to Wealth2.2 Thomas PaineFrom Common Sense2.3 Thomas JeffersonThe Declaration of IndependencePart Two The Romantic Period(1780-1860)Chapter 3 The New National LiteratureBackground Information3.1 Washington IrvingThe Devil and Tom Walker3.2 James Fenimore CooperAn Overview of The DeerslayerFrom The Deerslayer3.3 William Cullen BryantThanatopsisTo a Waterfowl3.4 Edgar Allan PoeThe Masque of the Red DeathAnnabel LeeTo HelenChapter 4 The TranscendentalismBackground InformationTranscendentalism4.1 Ralph Waldo EmersonFrom Self-RelianceThe Rhodora4.2 Henry David ThoreauAn Overview ofWaldenFrom WaldenWhere I Lived,and What I Lived for4.3 Henry Wadsworth Long fellowThe Arsenal at SpringfieldThe Tide Rises,the Tide FallsNatureThe Sound ofthe Sea4.4 Nathaniel HawthorneThe Maypole of Merry MountAn Overview of The Scarlet LetterThe Summary of Chapter 12From The Scarlet Letter Chapter 12The Minister's VigilPart Three The Aae of Realism(1860-1910)Chapter 5 The Codflict between North and SouthBackground Information5.1 Walt WhitmanYoung GrimesFrom Song of MyselfCavalry Crossing a Ford5.2 Abraham LincolnSecond Inaugural Address,March 4,18655.3 Emily DickinsonI Like to See It Lap the MilesI'll Tell You How the Sun RoseBecause I Could Not Stop for Death5.4 Harriet Elizabeth Beecher StoweAn Overview of Uncle Tom's CabinThe Summary of Chapter 12From Uncle Tom's Cabin Chapter 12Select Incident of Lawful TradeChapter 6 New American OutlooksBackground Information6.1 Mark TwainFrom life on the MississippiThe Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras CountyAn Overview of Ihe Adventures of Huckleberry FinnThe Summary of Chapter 31From The Adventures ofHuckleberry Finn Chapter 316.2 Henry JamesAn Overview ofThe Portrait of a LadyThe Sunanary of Chapter 7From The Portrait of a Lady Chapter76.3 Stephen CraneA Mystery of Heroism6.4 Theodore DreiserAn Overview of Sister CarrieA Summary of Chapter 47From Sister Carrie Chapter 47.The Way of the Beaten-A Harp in the WindPart Four Modern American Literature(1910- )Chapter 7 American Literature after WW ⅠBackground Information7.1 Ezra PoundIn a Station of the MetroThe River-Merchant's Wife:A LetterA Pact7.2 Sherwood AndersonFrom Winesburg,OhioSophisticationFrom Winesburg,OhioMother7.3 Robert FrostNothing Gold Can StayFire and IceTo a Young WretchMending Wall7.4 Francis Scott Key FitzgeraldAn Overview ofThe Great GatsbvFrom The Great Gatsby Chapter 37.5 Ernest HemingwayIn Another CountryAn Overview.ofA Farewell to ArmsFrom A Farewell to Arms Chapter 367.6 Eugene O'NeillAn Overview ofThe Hairy ApeFrom The Hairy Ape SCENE ⅠFrom The Hairy Ape SCENE ⅡFrom The Hairy Ape SCENE Ⅲ7.7 John Ernst SteinbeckThe Leader of the PeopleAn Overview ofThe Grapes of WrathFrom The Grapes of Wra山Chapter 97.8 William.FaulknerThe BearChapter 8 American Literature after WW ⅡBackground InformationThe War NovelistsThe Southern WritersThe Jewish WritersThe Beat Generation and the Beat WritersThe Black Humor/Black HumoristThe Black WritersThe Feminist Writers8.1 Saul BeHowAn Overview ofThe Adventures of Augie MarchFrom The Adventures of Augie March Chapter 218.2 Norman MailerFrom“The White Negro”2From“The White Negro”4An Overview ofThe Armies of the NightFrom The Armies of the NightPart 6-A Transfer of Power8.3 J.D.SalingerAn Overview ofThe Catcher in the RyeFrom The Catcher in The Rye Chapter 22From The Catcher in the Rye Chapter 248.4 Joseph HellerAn Overview of Catch-22From Catch-22 Chapter 40From Catch-22 Chapter 428.5 The Black WIitersBackground InformationLangston HughesNegro Speaks of RiversRichard WrightFrom Black BoyJames BaldmnAn Overview of Tell Me How Long the Train's Been GoneFrom TeU Me How Long the Train's Been Gone8.6 The Southera WritersBackground InformationRobert Penn WarrenInfant Boy at MidcenturyTruman CapoteFrom In Cold BloodFlannery O'ConnorAn Overview of A Good Man is Hard to FindFrom A Good Man Is Hard to Find8.7 The Jewish WritersIsaac Bashevis SingerGimpel the FoolThe Son from America8.8 The Feminist WritersSylvia PlathWordsDaddvAlice WalkerEveryday UseFor Your GrandmamaAppendix Ⅰ A Chronology of American Literature and LifeAppendix Ⅱ Literary TermsAppendix Ⅲ Suggested Answers to the QuestionsAppendix Ⅳ TestsAppendix Ⅴ 试卷参考答案Appendix Ⅳ Bibliography