
出版时间:1970-1  出版社:武汉大学  作者:林承璋  页数:297  




Part One Exercises 练习篇Chapter 1 Language,Linguistics and LexicologyChapter 2 The Sources of the English VoeabularyChapter 3 Word Meaning and Semantic RelationsChapter 4 The Changing English VoeabularyChapter 5 Word-formation in EnglishChapter 6 English IdiomsChapter 7 British and American EnglishChapter 8 English Dictionaries and How to Use ThemPart Two References 专题篇1. A Collection of English Stories2. The Systems of Language3. What Is a Word?4. The Importance of English5. Size of the English Vocabulary6. How Many Words do Native Speakers Know?7. How Much Vocabulary and Should It Be Learned?8. Leximania9. The Complex Nature of Vocabularv10. The Vocabulary Control Movement11. Register12. Everyday English Collocations in Use13. Everyday English Idioms in Use14. Word Origins”jPart Three Key to Exercises 练习参考答案Chapter 1 Language,Linguistics and LexicologyChapter 2 The Sources of the English VocabularyChapter 3 Word Meaning and Semantic RelationsChapter 4 The Changing English VocabularyChapter 5 Word-formation in EnglishChapter 6 English IdiomsChapter 7 British and American EnglishChapter 8 English Dictionaries and How to Use ThemBibliography





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