
出版时间:2007-11  出版社:武汉大学  作者:冯玮  页数:279  


本书详细阐述了导游的业务知识和带团技巧,着重培养英语导游的实际工作能力,帮助在校学生考取英语导游资格证,指导导游解决带团工作中遇到的各种问题,熟悉导游服务规范,培养他们分析问题、解决问题的能力。    本书是21世纪旅游管理专业系列教材丛书之一。本书是一本导游英语专业教材,全书共12课,每课包括五大部分。本书详细阐述了导游的业务知识和带团技巧。本书适用于旅游管理专业导游英语课程,高等职业技术学院导游专业,以及在职导游人员和有志从事导游工作的人员。


Unit 1 Receiving the Guests  Background and Direction  Dialogue 1:Meeting Tourists at the Airport  Dialogue 2:Meeting Tourists at the Station  Reading:Welcome Speech  Exercises  Supplementary Reading:Jiuzhaigou ValleyUnit 2 On the Way to Hotel  Backgroud and Direction  Dialogue 1:On the Way to the Hotel(1)  Dialogue 2:On the Way to the Hotel(2)  Reading:Wuhan Internation Exhibiton Center  Exercises  Supplementary Reading:Mount HuangshanUnit 3 Arriving at the Hotel  Backgroud and Direction  Dialogue 1:Check-in at the Hotel  Dialogue 2:Checking Out   Reading:Hospitality Industry  Exercises  Supplementary Reading:The Imperial Mausoleum and Terracootta ArmyUnit 4 Talking about the Tour Arrangement  Background and Direction  Dialogue 1:Discussing the Itinerary  Dialogue 2:Travel Arrangement  Reading:Package Tour   Exercises  Supplementary Reading:Suzhou GardensUnit 5 Shopping  Background and Direction  Dialogue 1:At the Souvenir Shop  Dialogue 2:At the Arts and Crafts Store  Reading:Jianghan Road Commercial Pedestrian Street  Exercises  Supplementary Reading:The Summer PalaceUnit 6 Tours of Historical Sites and Relics  Background and Direction  Dialogue 1:Visiting the Confucius Temple  Dialogue 2:One-day Tour of Wuhan  Reading:Yellow Crane Tower  Exercises  Supplementary Reading:The Great WallUnit 7 City Tours  Background and Direction  Dialogue 1:Walking on Fifth Avenue  Dialogue 2:A Trip to Yu Yuan Garden  Reading:Wuhan  Exercises  Supplementary Reading:ShenzhenUnit 8 Tours of Mountains  Background and Direction  Dialogue 1:On Huangshan  Dialogue 2:Sightseeing in Lushan  Reading:Wudang Mountain  Exercises    Supplementary Reading:Mount TaiUnit 9 Tours of Caves  Background and Direction  Dialogue 1:Marvelling at the Mogao Grottoes  Dialogue 2:Chatting about the Longmen Caves  Reading:Mogao Grottoes  Exercises  Supplementary Reading:The West Lake of HangzhouUnit 10 Tours of Rivers and Lakes  Background and Direction  Dialogue 1:A Trip in Guilin  Dialogue 2:Watching Waterfalls in Front of "Huangguoshu Falls"  Reading:The Beautiful East Lake  Exercises  Supplementary Reading:GuilinUnit 11 Tours of Temples  Background and Direction  Dialogue 1:Visiting the Jade Buddha Temple  Dialogue 2:Visiting the White Horse Temple  Reading:Guiyuan Temple  Exercises  Supplementary Reading:Hainan IslandUnit 12 Departure  Background and Direction  Dialogue 1:Bidding Farewell  Dialogue 2:Seeing Guests off at the Airport  Reading:A Farewell Speech  Exercises  Supplementary Reading:Home of the Tibetan PeopleKeys to ExercisesAppendix 1Appendix 2Appendix 3Appendix 4Appendix 5Appendix 6参考书目




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用户评论 (总计11条)


  •   很好的,快递人员也很好
  •   这本书不错 很实用 只是现在都没怎么看了
  •   这是我们的E类课课本,上课效果还算很不错的
  •   粗略的翻阅了一下.挺好的..
  •   感觉还可以,比较实用内容也比较详细
  •   这本书是老师让我们买的 里面的内容很不错 很实用
  •   7本中基本上纸张质量都很好,只是有的不太完美,但纯属是吹毛求疵,总体来说还是很不错的
  •   书不错,也很实用。已经用上了。
  •   配货太慢了 24号下的订单 2号才到
  •   因为书是直接寄回家,我当时没有放假,回到家后看到这本书让我很失望.书面脏,里面有点皱.我不知道以后是否还会在网上买书,还是有点危险的.而且这本书买了之后才发现并不是我想要的那本.其他的那几本我还是瞒满意的.
  •   你给我发的这本书质量不怎么好。破烂了。

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