
出版时间:2004-1  出版社:武汉大学出版社  作者:石定乐  页数:223  




Chapter 1 General IntroductionSection 1 What Is Communication Like?Section 2 What Is Cross-Chultural Communication?Section 3 What Does Cross-Cultural Communication Mean to Business People?Supplementary Reading:Monsieru MickeyChapter 2 Face to FaceSection 1 How to Make Introduction?Section 2 How to Deal with Business Cards?Section 3 What Should We Say for Small Chat?Supplementary Reading:Individualism and CollectivismChapter 3 Social InteractionSection 1 How to Schedule Visiting and Entertaining?Section 2 ABC for Gifts ExchangingSection 3 How to Make a Disagreement Pleasant?Supplementary Reading:Spoken Communication-Ways of Listening and SpeakingChapter 4 Gender CommunicationSection 1 Are There Any Differences in Male and Female's Communication?Section 2 How Are Roles Females Playing in Intemational Business?Section 3 A Loser or Winner in the Game?Supplementary Reading:Why Are Women and Men Different?Chapter 5 Non-Verbal CommunicationSection 1 What Is the Range of Non-Verbal Communication in Business?Section 2 Similar Encoding and Decoding of Non-Verbal SignalsSection 3 Sinilar Encoding with Different Decdoing of Non-Verbal SignalsSupplementary Reading:Could you Read Them?Chapter 6 Cultural ConflictionChapter 7 Business InteractionChapter 8 At the OfficeChapter 9 Global MarketingAppendix 1 Major Busioness CountriesAppendix 2 The 40 Top Brands in the WorldAppendix 3 Major Official TitlesAppendix 4 Some Major International Economic and Trade OrganizationsAppendix 5 Major World MediaBibliography(参考书目)




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