
出版时间:2003-10  出版社:武汉大学出版社  作者:邓鹂鸣  页数:233  字数:324000  




1 My first Day on Campus2 Our english Teacher3 My Mother4 My Father5 It Pays to Be Honest6 Student Use of Computers7 Is a Test of spoken English Necessary?8 A Traffic Accedent I Have Ever Come Across9 Shoulk college students Do Part-time Jobs?10 A Letter to the Unitversity Presedent about the Canteen Service on Campus11 A Letter ot My Parents12 Is Failurew a Bad Thing?13 Good Health14 Good Manners to College Students15 Making Decisions16 Where to Go for Your Holiday?17 Advantages and Disadvantages of Learning Online 18 The Most Interesting Person I Have Ever Met19 To Treat or to Let Die:the Doctor's Dilemma20 Ownership of Houses in a Bib City in China 21 Investment in Wuhan from Different Countries and Regions22 My Ideal Career23 How to succeed in a Job Interview?24 Don't Hesitate to Say "No"25 Two-day Weekend26 Scientific Invention27 How I Finance My College Education28 The Perosn I Admire Most29 Do “Lucky Nembers"Really Bring Good Luck?30 If I Were a Millionnire31 The Importance of Self-comfidence32 Will Coputers Replace Humane Beings?33 Man and His Enviroment



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