
出版时间:1987-6  出版社:武汉大学出版社  作者:林承璋  页数:397  字数:331000  


《英语词汇学引论》,是高等学校英语专业教材,是大学英语课教师和非英语专业的本科生、研究生,英语自学主翻译工作者学习英语词汇学理论,理解、运用、掌握英语词汇,扩大英语词汇量,提高英语语言实践能力的参考书。    本书共八章。以现代语言学理论作指导,以英语词汇为研究对象,着重论述英语词汇的来源、发展、现状及其研究方法,分析英语词的结构、类型、意义、理论根据、相互关系、语义的变化方式、过程及用法,研究英国英语和美国英语的差异,还对英语习语的特点、分类、语义,以及英语词典的发展和使用都作了较详尽的阐述,并提供了大量的例证。


Chapter 1 Language,Linguistics and Lexicology  1-1-1:ADefinition of Language  1-1-2:Language,society and Thought  1-1-1:A Definition of Linguistics  1-2-2:The Scope of Linguistics  1-3-1:What Is Lexicology?  1-3-2:Aims and Significance of the course of English Lexicology  1-3-3:The Connection of Lexicology with Other Branches of Linguistics  1-3-4:Two Approaches to the Study of English LexIcologyChatper 2 The Sources of the English Vocablulary    2-1-1:The English People and the English Language  2-1-1:The Position and Character of the English Language in the Indo-European Family  2-1-3:The Divisions of the History of the English Language   2-1-4:Some Characteristics of Old English  2-1-5:Some Characteristics of Middle English  2-1-6:Some Chatacteristics of Modern English  2-2-1:Words of Native Orign   2-2-2:Borrowed Words in the English Vocabulary  2-3-1:The foreign Elements in the English Vocabulary  2-3-3:The French Elements in the English Vocabulary  2-3-4:The Latin Elements in the English Vocabulary  ……Chapter 3 Word Meaning and Semantic Relations Chapter 4 The Changing English VocabularyChatper 5 Word-formation in EnglishChapter 6 Enlgish IdiomsChapter 7 British and American EnglishChapter 8 English dictionaries and how to use Them Bibliography




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