出版时间:2013-2 出版社:中山大学出版社 作者:华研外语
第一章阅读实战技巧 第1节了解6大考点 第2节掌握7大命题规律 第3节正确选项设置的3大规律 第4节干扰项设置的4大规律 第5节决胜阅读3招技巧 第二章基础训练60篇 Text1英国民众的福利状况与工作态度 Text2对烟草行业的管理监督 Text3论新版的《欧洲史》 Text4影响人类长寿的因素 Text5达尔文与林肯,谁更重要? Text6女生在中学参加体育运动的益处 Text7美国的谈话类节目 Text8语言的流失危机 Text9记忆巩固时大脑组织的变化 Text10女性如何平衡工作与家庭 Text11美国的中学教育 Text12人类活动与天气的周循环 Text13电脑行业的节能问题 Text14妇女生育能力与生长环境的关系 Text15精神加持产品 Text16新闻播音员的能力与智力 Text17饮食对儿童健康的影响 Text18清洁能源的投资热 Text19郭瓦纳斯运河的整治 Text20慈善医疗的经费是否该增加? Text21谁在为网上的免费服务买单? Text22产品的功能蔓延 Text23美国的唯禁欲教育 Text24新一代手机监听软件 Text25扮嫩族 Text26男女导航方式的差异 Text27关爱与康乐的关系 Text28变质的暑假 Text29麦基诺大桥 Text30智慧之研究 Text31简历造假 Text32日本日益严重的失业问题 Text33应对感冒病毒 Text34“临时客工”计划 Text35流行性疾病的影响 Text36网络一代影响企业管理 Text37优质客服的重要性 Text38血液“残骸”揭真相 Text39女权主义运动 Text40美国大学捐赠基金的讨论 Text41激励机制的反作用 Text42手机设计及使用的发展 Text43少些卡路里,多些健康 Text44宜家效应 Text45面部表情的研究 Text46日本社会的老龄化 Text47回馈速度对个人表现的影响 Text48旅居国外对创造力的影响 Text49美国农业的发展及意义 Text50阅读情绪动词对人的影响 Text51大学学费日益高涨 Text52成功可引起大脑神经的可塑性 Text53专利的社会影响 Text54人工智能的发展 Text55如何应对病人的死亡意愿 Text56肥胖与代谢综合征的关系 Text57自恋型老板对企业发展的利弊 Text58核能的利用 Text59美国医疗体系出现的弊端 Text60音乐的特性和功能 第三章能力提高60篇 Unit1 Text1非理性决策可能会影响他人 Text2烹煮与人类发展的关系 Text3飞行中的医疗急症 Text4节食与肝脏基因变化的关系 Unit2 Text1美国人超重 Text2动物科学课程对犯人产生的积极影m Text3经济衰退时期的着装 Text4气候现象 Unit3 Text1离婚后该给多少赡养费? Text2微嵌合体 Text3能源危机给人们的启示 Text4城市和农村生活 Unit4 Text1乐高玩具在企业中的应用 Text2小努力也可成就大事业 Text3人们对科技持矛盾性观点 Text4衡量生命 Unit5 Text1全球老龄化问题 Text2对员工上班时间行为的监管 Text3将手机与音乐结合起来的软件 Text4撒谎的迹象——“认知负荷” Unit6 Text1气候保护 Text2面临转型的房地产行业 Text3司机打瞌睡,唤醒系统来救命 Text4合理利用“遗憾”情绪的价值和方法 Unit7 Text1人造女性膝盖 Text2充实思想 Text3离婚是否会使人快乐? Text4对举报人的保护 Unit8 Text1网络交易及营销策略 Text2美国名校排名 Text3拉丁裔人口对亚利桑那州的影响 Text4自然资源的破坏和粮食产品的污染 Unit9 Text1美国报业 Text2垃圾食品税 Text3防止婴儿长大后暴力犯罪的建议 Text4不再甘为牛马的员工们 Unit10 Text1树木的基因改造工程 Text2谷歌公司 Text3心情影响免疫力 Text4深海采矿 Unit11 Text1克莱蒙娜的小提琴制造业 Text2夏时制 Text3婴儿的双语能力 Text4埃德蒙征服珠峰的成就 Unit12 Text1美国的非法移民 Text2项目的成本超支问题 Text3占星术的发展及其对人们的影响 Text4经济衰退与离婚率的关系 Unit13 Text1龙凤胎中的女性所受的影响 Text2员工休假对工作的积极影响 Text3生活习惯与健康的关系 Text4狼群的产权意识 Unit14 Text1声音在广告中的作用 Text2牛顿的发现之启示 Text3逐渐消退的债务热潮 Text4小孩是否在挥霍大人的钱? Unit15 Text1英国大学的差异化状态 Text2大衰退对年轻人的影响 Text3女性天生易对危险动物产生恐惧感 Text4定位服务的应用
版权页: How long you live has a lot to do with your environment and lifestyle, but exceptional longevity may have even more to do with your genes. For the first time, researchers have identified a genetic recipe that accurately predicts who may live to 100 and beyond. Scientists led by Dr. Thomas Perls at the Boston University School of Medicine conducted a genetic analysis of more than 1,000 centenarians and their matched controls and found 150 genetic variants-or bits of DNA-that differed between the two groups. These variants identified people who lived to a very old age (past 100) with 77% accuracy, researchers found. Further analysis identified 19 distinct genetic profiles associated with extremely long life; 90% of participants who lived to 100 possessed at least one of the signature genetic clusters. Each profile appeared to confer a different tendency to develop common age-related chronic diseases, such as heart disease or brain disorder. "We realize this is a complex genetic puzzle," Perls said. "We're quite a ways away still in understanding how the integration of these genes-not just with themselves but with environmental factors-are playing a role in this longevity puzzle." Perls has studied many factors that contribute to longevity, and he is the first to acknowledge that living longer isn't likely to be simply a matter of genes. His previous work has shown, for example, that among most elderly people who live into their 70s and 80s, about 70% of their longevity can be ascribed to environmental factors such as not smoking; eating a healthy, low-fat, low-calorie diet; and remaining socially engaged and intellectually active throughout life. Still, it seems clear that those who live to an exceptionally ripe old age are benefiting from a special DNA boost. In fact, Perls believes that the older a person gets, the more likely it is that his or her genes are contributing to those extended years. His current genetic findings support that theory: the 19 most common genetic profiles that distinguished the exceptionally long-lived appear to be correlated with lower incidence of certain diseases. For example, some profiles were associated with lower rates of high blood pressure and diabetes, while another was linked to a reduced risk of brain disorder. Although most of us can't expect to become centenarians, Perls is hoping that his work will lead to better ways-perhaps through pharmaceutical interventions based on the genetic clues to longevity-to help more of us live like them.