出版时间:2012-9 出版社:中山大学出版社 作者:李元科 页数:258 字数:389000
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 A short review of studies on cohesion and of aspects of
cohesion that have not been explored sufficiently
1.2 The aim of my present study
1.3 The organization of the book
Chapter 2Literature Background
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Hasan (1984) and Halliday and Hasan (1985)
2.3 The limitatio of Hasan's method and improvements
2.4 Pao (1991a, 1991b)
2.5 Hoey (1991)
2.6 Scott's KeyWords tool
2.7 Hoey's (2001) Textual Interaction
2.8 Mann and Thompson's (1988a, 1988b) Rhetorical Structure
Theory Conclusio
Chapter 3 Research Question 1 and the Method
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Research question 1 and the data
3.3 The method used to explore research question
3.3.1 Classifying processes in a text into chai according to
the commonality of meanings they express
3.3.2 Unpacking in text nominalizatio that contain
nominalised processes included in chai
3.3.3 Identifying recurrent nuclei in text
3.3.4 Ranking the recurrent nuclei in text in descending
order of frequency
3.3.5 Classifying processes in summaries into chai according
to the commonality of meanings they express
3.3.6 Unpacking in summaries nominalimfio that contain
nominalised processes included in chai
3.3.7 Identifying recurrent nuclei in summaries
3.3.8 Comparing the results in A4 with that in B3 to
identifythe recurrent nuclei in text that are repeated in two or
more summaries of the text i
Chapter 4 Findings with Regard to Research Question 1
4.1 Introduction
4.2 The results with regard to research question 1
4.3 The characteristics of the recurrent nuclei in
that are important to the texts' meanings
4.3.1 Category 1
4.3.2 Categories 1 (c), 2 and 3 (b)
4.3.3 Subcategory 3 (a)
4.3.4 The probability of presence in the leads of the
recurrent nuclei that are important to texts' meanings
4.3.5 Category4
4.4 Conclusio
Chapter 5 Research Question 2 and Findings
5.1 Introduction
5.2 The definitio of type A and type B nuclei
5.3 Research question 2 and the method of exploring the
5.4 The results with regard to research question 2
5.5 Examining the 'maverick' cases
5.5.1 The seven initial occurrences of type A material nuclei
that express causes
5.5.2 The four initial occurrences of type A material nuclei
that are part of the content of saying of verbal nuclei.
5.5.3 (a)The initial occurrences of two type A material
nuclei that contextualize
5.5.3 (b)The six initial occurrences of type B material
nuclei that also contextualize
5.5.4 Proposition splitting
5.5.5 Inference
5.5.6 Proposition integration
5.5.7 Reduction
5.5.8 The remaining and final example
5.6 Conclusio
Chapter 6 Conclusio
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Areas of innovation and contribution of my present
6.3 Patter of lexis in a text and the meaning of the
6.4 Information distribution in the leads
6.5 The strategies that summary write often use to write
summaries for hard news texts
6.6 Conjunctive relatio and the meaning of a text
6.7 Future research avenues
Appendix A
Appendix B
《语篇中的衔接和语篇主旨大意的关系》是“功能语言学论丛”系列之一,研究当前语言学最热门的课题之一:语篇中的衔接。《语篇中的衔接和语篇主旨大意的关系》包括四部分。 《语篇中的衔接和语篇主旨大意的关系》适合从事相关研究工作的人员参考阅读。