出版时间:2005-8 出版社:中山大学出版社 作者:李斐南 页数:195
全书分为两大部分。第一部分(上篇)是外国法律文书的中译。从目录中可以看出,内容包括外国法院开始审理案件的起诉状、答辩状、传票送达证明、宣誓书、授权委托书……一直到法院判决书,涵盖了诉讼案件全过程的常用法律文书,还包含了诉讼过程中当事人和律师向法院申请某一具体事项的其他法律文书,加起来共有30多种。第二部分(下编)是中国法律文书的英译,其内容类似第一部分,也同样涵盖了诉讼案从起诉到判决的全过程所常见的法律文书。全书在每一部分前还分别有美国法律制度简介及中国法律制度简介,以便中外读者更好地了解本书编入的法律文书的背景,拓展视野。对法律文书的选编,编译者是下了很大功夫的,他们从浩瀚的中外法律文书中严格筛选、精心编排、形成了一套既有代表性又有连贯性的法律文书系列。 本书是翻译也很有特色。由于法律文书的翻译专业性很强,编译者本着认真负责、精益求精的精神和“信、达、雅”的翻译准则努力工作,力求做到严谨、准确、专业。对从事法律文书翻译的读者,无论是英语中还是中译英都有较好的参考价值。
上编 外国法律文书中译 1.引言:美国法律体制简介 2.起诉状 2.1 民事起诉状 2.2 刑事起诉书状 3.答辩状 3.1 答辩状概述 3.2 答辩状样例一 3.3 答辩状样例二 4.传票及送达证明 4.1 传票 4.2 送达证明 5.宣誓书及证明文件 5.1 宣誓书 5.2 证明文件 6.授权委托书 6.1 授权委托书概述 6.2 授权委托书样例一 6.3 授权委托书样例二 7.律师意见书 8.判决书 8.1 民事判决书 8.2 刑事判决书 9.其他法律文书 9.1 请求法院做出简易判决申请的通知 9.2 请求法院做出缺席判决 9.3 申请由陪审团审理 9.4 放弃诉讼请求权 9.5 请求撤诉 9.6 和解要约 9.7 和解通知 9.8 无争议事实的概述 9.9 原告对陪审团的指示 9.10 费用备忘录 9.11 质询书 9.12 请求提供证人证词和证物 9.13 披露请求书 9.14 要求提供犯罪前科的信函 9.15 重审申请 9.16 对判决履行的确认 9.17 仲裁协议下编 中国法律文书英译 10.引言:中国法律体制简介 11.传票 11.1 发自上海市第二中级人民法院的传票 11.2 发自北京市朝阳区人民法院的传票样本一 11.3 发自北京市朝阳区人民法院的传票样本二 12.答辩状 12.1 致北京市朝阳区人民法院答辩状 12.2 致中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会深圳分会仲裁答辩书 13.请求执行仲裁裁决申请书 14.受理执行案件通知书 15.民事裁定书 15.1 发自北京市第一中级人民法院民事裁定书 15.2 发自北京市第二中级人民法院民事裁定书 16.请求恢复执行仲裁裁决申请书 17.民事判决书 18.刑事判决书参考文献本书作者及其他参与者简介
ⅴ) In response to Paragraph 5 of the Complaint, Defendants, and each of them, lack sufficient knowledge, information, or belief to admit or deny any allegations in the first and sixth sentences of this paragraph, and, basing their denial on that ground, Defendants, and each of them, deny, generally and specifically, conjunctively and disjunctively, each and every allegation in these sentences. Defendants, and each of them, deny the allegations in the second sentence of this paragraph. Defendant__________ alone, and no other defendants in this action, admit that__________has distributed and now distributes a toy parrot, with colorful plumage and wings that flap when it talk sand with the capability of repeating whatever is said to it in brief intervals of seconds, by way of an electronic microphone pick-up, record and playback function, which __________assumes is a function of a semiconductor chip stored within the body of the parrot. Defendant __________alone, and no other defendants in this action, further admits that obtained copyright registration Number VAU 252 - 177 and VAU 255 - 274 for a work entitled "PARROT ON SWING". Defendant__________alone, and no other defendants in this action, further admit that_________sells a toy parrot as "The Talking Parrot" and/or "Pete, the Repeat Parrot", but Defendants, and each of them, lack sufficient knowledge, information, or belief to admit or deny the remaining allegations in the seventh sentence of this paragraph, and, basing their denial on that ground, Defendants, and each of them, deny, generally and specifically, conjunctively and disjunctively, each and every remaining allegation in that sentence. Except as expressly set forth above, Defendants, and each of them, deny generally and specifically, conjunctively and disjunctively, each and every remaining allegation in this paragraph. ...... (omission) ANSWER TO FIRST CLAIM FOR RELIEF, FOR COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT ⅹⅴⅲ) In response to Paragraph 18 of the Com plaint, Defendants, and each of them, reallege and incorporate by reference every admission, denial and allegation contained in Paragraph 1 through 17 of this Answer, as if set forth in full. xix) In response to Paragraph 19 of the Complaint, Defendants, and each of them, deny generally and specifically, conjunctively and disjunctively, each and every allegation in this paragraph. Further, Defendants, and each of them, are informed and believe and on that basis specifically deny that__________'s purported copyright registrations are valid, deny that Defendants, or any of them, have engaged in any improper conduct, and deny that__________has suffered any injuries or damages whatsoever from any improper conduct by Defend ants, or any of them. ⅹⅹ) In response to Paragraph 20 of the Com plaint, Defendants, and each of them, deny generally and specifically, conjunctively and disjunctively, each and every allegation in this paragraph. Further, Defendants, and each of them, specifically deny that Defendants, or any of them, have engaged in any improper conduct and that__________ has suffered any injuries or damages whatsoever from any improper conduct by Defendants, or any of them. ⅹⅹⅹⅰ) In response to Paragraph 21 of the Com plaint, Defendants, and each of them, lack sufficient knowledge, information, or belief as to__________'s abilities, so that Defendants are un able to admit or deny any allegations thereon, and, basing their denial on that ground, Defendants, and each of them, deny, generally and specifically, conjunctively and disjunctively, each and every allegation in this paragraph as to__________'s abilities. Except as expressly set forth above, Defendants, and each of them, deny generally and specifically, conjunctively and disjunctively, each and every remaining allegation in this paragraph. Further, Defendants, and each of them, specifically deny that Defendants, or any of them, have engaged in any improper conduct and that___________has suffered any injuries or damages whatsoever from any improper conduct by Defendants, or any of them. ANSWER TO SECOND CLAIM FOR RELIEF, FOR TRADE DRESS INFRINGEMENT xxii) In response to Paragraph 22 of the Complaint, Defendants, and each of them, reallege and incorporate by reference every admission, denial and allegation contained in Paragraph 1 through 17of this Answer, as if set forth in full. ……(Paragraphs xxiii to xxxii are omited)