
出版时间:2002-1  出版社:中山大  作者:张润杰 等  页数:289  


  《生物学专业英语》由16个单元共56篇课文组成,每单元包括主讲课文和阅读文选两部分,并配以适当练习。主要内容有:第一单元“生物学面临的机遇与挑战”,第二单元“生命起源与进化”,第三单元“动物生物学”,第四单元“植物生物学”,第五单元“细胞生物学”,第六单元“生态学”,第七单元“生物学实验”,第八单元“害虫防治”,第九单元“环境保护”,第十单元“微生物学”,第十一单元“生物化学与分子生物学”,第十二单元“遗传学”,第十三单元“基因工程”,第十四单元 “生物科学与技术的新闻报道”,第十五单元“生物科学论文选读”,第十六单元“wto与检疫”。上述内容基本覆盖了生物学一级学科的主要分支学科。学生通过学习本教材,不但可以学习到生物学专业英语,而且能增加不少生物学方面的知识。


unit one challenges and opportunities in biology todaylesson 1 challenges and opportunities in biology todaylesson 2 biology is the study of life(reading material)unit two origin of living things and evolutionlesson 3 the origin of organic moleculeslesson 4 darwin's theory of evolution(reading material)unit three biology of animalslesson 5 the animal kingdomlesson 6 arthropods and their major groups(reading material)lesson 7 introduction to the vertebrates(reading material)lesson 8 diversity of mammals(reading material)unit four biology of plantslesson 9 the plant bodylesson 10 flowers, fruits, seeds, and plant embryos(reading material)lesson 11 the roles of plant nutrients and fertilizers(reading material)lesson 12 an overview of photosynthesis(reading material)unit five cells and development biologylesson 13 general characteristics of cellslesson 14 mating and fertilization(reading material)lesson 15 cell cleavage(reading material)lesson 16 organogenesis: development of body organs(reading material)unit six ecologylesson 17 ecology and the levels of organizationlesson 18 the concept of population(reading material)lesson 19 community ecology of islands and the design of nature preserves(reading material)lesson 20 the flow of energy in ecosystems(reading material)unit seven experiments in biologylesson 21 samplinglesson 22 culture bacteria( reading material)lesson 23 dna sequence analysis(reading material)lesson 24 the world of biosphere-ii (reading material)unit eight pest controllesson 25 life histories of insectslesson 26 the pest problem and control strategies( reading material)lesson 27 pesticides and problems( reading material)lesson 28 biological control and integrated pest management(reading material)unit nine environmental protectionlesson 29 carbon dioxide and the greenhouse effectlesson 30 disposal of sewage( reading material)lesson 31 noise pollution(reading material)lesson 32 save environment,save ourselves(reading material)unit ten microbiologylesson 33 virus and its naturelesson 34 bacteria(reading material)lesson 35 fungi and their structure(reading material)lesson 36 algae(reading material)unit eleven biochemistry and molecular biologylesson 37 general concepts and classification of enzymeslesson 38 amino acid composition of proteins( reading material)lesson 39 dna: a linear molecule(reading material)unit twelve geneticslesson 40 mendelian geneticslesson 41 genes:the units of hereditary information(reading material)lesson 42 the path of information flow from dna to rna(reading material)lesson 43 translation: rna into protein(reading material)unit thirteen genetic engineeringunit fourteen the news on biological science and technologyunit fifteen selected papers in biologyunit sixteen two and quarantinevocabulary indexphrase index练习参考答案主要参考文献






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