出版时间:2002-2 出版社:中山大学出版社 作者:潘晓燕 页数:284 字数:380000
Unit One 一、水平预测 二、文化背景 三、文章精读 Text A Winston Churchill-His Other Life Text B Little Sister of the Poor Text C Diana,Princess of Wales:1961-1997Unit Two 一、水平预测 二、文化背景 三、文章精读 Text A Why They Excel Text B Educatin Methods:East and West Text C Losing Sight of StudentsUnit Three 一、水平预测 二、文化背景 三、文章精读 Text A The Tale of a Cultural Translator Text B A Multicultural Person Text C A Lifetime of Learning ot Manage EffectivelyUnit Four 一、水平预测 二、文化背景 三、文章精读 Text A Turning Failure into Success Text B Failure?No!Just Temporary Setbacks Text C Heart of a ChampionUnit FiveUnit SixUnit SevenUnit Eight附录:710分新题型训练
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