出版时间:2012-5 出版社:南京大学出版社 作者:《初升高衔接教材》编写组 编 页数:116
《初升高衔接教材:英语》体现新课程的核心理念。以“促进每个学生共同基础上的个性发展”为核心理念,以“知识和能力”、“过程和方法”、“情感态度和价值观”三维目标为指导,着眼于能力立意,强调学生的自主、探究、合作学习,引导学生在实践中创新。讲求整合效果。每一分册都根据学科特点,按照合理、科学体系进行编排,以专题学习板块为设计模式,不同的学习板块有不同的学习侧重点,同时注重教材的整体性和连贯性。 注重实用性。大体按学时设计,便于操作。其体系突出引导学生自学,期望学生能通过自学达到成功,同时也有利于教师在此平台上拓展、发挥和创新。
Pre-testUnit 1GoalReading ( Look at what you find along the way ! )Focus (Syllable and accent; Elements of a sentence)Hot link (Jeremy Lin)Summing up ExercisesClassics (The call of the wild)Unit2 GoinggreenReading ( Want to go green?) Focus (Incomplete plosion and sonant; Five types of simple sentences)Hot link ( Earth hour 2012)Summing upExercisesClassics (The last leaf)Unit3 LoveReading ( Love is just a thread)Focus ( Liaison: Perfect tense)Hot link (Puppy love)Summing upExercisesClassics (Going home)Unit 4 HelpReading (Firewood and lunch)Focus (Tone; Passive voice I )Hat link (The life c: Lei Feng)Summing upExercisesClassics (The story of Swan Lake)Unit 5 Cultural differencesReading (The exchange of gifts)Focus (Sentence stress; Passive voice II )Hot link (Forbidden City Starbucks urged to move)Summing up Exercises classics (Alice's adventures in wonderland)Notes to the textsWords and expressions in each unitKeys to the exercises