
出版时间:2012-2  出版社:南京大学出版社  作者:张惠晶 著  页数:204  译者:李嵘  


  Leam to Speak,意思是“学着说英语”。但是这句话听起来很矛盾:不直接开口说英语,怎么学英语呢?当然,通过读书和写作也可以获得知识,但开口说是最基础的。如果不做会话练习,那么随心所欲把所知道的知识说出来的那一天将遥遥无期。张惠晶编著的《大声说英语(附光盘Level2)》本着“边说边学”的宗旨,根据学习者的水平编排,让不同阶段的人都能学习。每课安排多种活动以达到让学生直接练习会话的目的。希望学习者通过本书领悟英语的魅力。


Lesson 01 Itwas nice seeing youClosing a conversation; saying goodbye,Lesson 02 Do you iivewith your family? Talking about families and family membersLesson 03 I work at NeungyuleDescribing jobs and workplacesLesson 04 What are your hobbies?Talking about hobbiesLesson 05 Is there a bank aroundhere?Asking about and describing locationsof placesLesson 06 Go straight and turn leftDescribing jobsLesson 07 It's going to rainDescribing the future weatherLesson 08 when should we meet?Making apppintmentsLesson 09 Put on your coatDeScribing people's clothesLesson 10 I havea terrible headache Describing symptoms of illnessLesson 11 What's shelike? Asking about and describing peopleand things Lesson 12 Would you like to leave a message?Leaving messages on the phoneLesson 13 I'm looking for a sweaterBuying clothes at a clothing storeLesson 14 Can Ihave a large chicken burger?Ordering food at a fast food restaurantLesson 15 It was delicious! Talking about food and tastesLesson 16 Take the subway and get off at City Hall stationTalking about using public transportationLesson 17 I usually study at the library on SaturdaysTalking about habitual activitiesLe, sson 18 What did you do for your summer vacation?Asking and talking about past events;using past tenseLesson 19 What are you going to.do after work?Asking and talking about future plans;using "be going to"Lesson 20 What were you doing then? .Asking and talking about past activities;using past continuousLesson 21 How many hours do you spend on the Intemet?Asking and talking about quantitiesLesson 22 How often doyou go to the gym?.Asking and talking about frequencyLesson 23 It takes about 20 minutes by busAsking and talking about taking timeLesson 24 Because I had to go to my son's soccer gameAsking and talking about reasons



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用户评论 (总计6条)


  •   给外甥女买的书,她说非常好~
  •   这本书,我是在书店里看到的,大爱,网购的是正品,价格也优惠
  •   好书!好书!好书!好书!好书!好书!好书!
  •   我的英语一直都不靠谱,很想把英语学好,因为现在是国际的社会,英语交流还是很重要,很羡慕其他人朗朗上口的英语口语那么棒,但自己学了那么久的英语还是那么不靠谱,所以买了这本书来学习,练习,内容我觉得还是不错的,很多我们平常没有注意到的细节,他都有说到.
  •   超简单的...建议选择难度较大的。
  •   我真的无语了 ,不知道当当怎么做生意的。在网上买个自己喜欢的书容易么?不知道想怎样?书又脏又破又旧!!照你们这样我不如去旧书市买书都比你们的新好吧!您这是二手市场么!?包装纸都没有,书的封面全是灰和刮痕,还有直接都是撕烂的!好好的一本书被你们搞成这样还卖给顾客!?你们是想慢慢流失顾客是吧?好的,我不会再来当当买书了。劝其他人买书的时候也注意点!!我嫌麻烦不退货而已,而且我也不相信你们重新寄来的书会是新的!

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