出版时间:2010-6 出版社:南京大学 作者:包兆会|主编:周宪//程爱民|译者:(美)米歇尔 页数:205 译者:米歇尔
The Collection of Critical Biographies of Chinese Thinkers, underthe general editorship of the late honorary president of NanjingUniversity, Professor Kuang Yarning, is the largest-scale project ofresearch materials on Chinese thinkers undertaken since thebeginning of the twentieth century. Standing on the shoulders ofthis great man and other 200 well-known Chinese professors, thiscollection of concise Chinese-English version is not only based ona profound academic foundation, but also exhibits a brand newfeature which is the virtue of explaining the profound in a simpleway, hence leading readers to mastery of the contents; it alsoincorporates a refined principle of selection, a simple mode ofevaluation and commentary, and a moving narration of the storiesand their wisdom. Zhuangzi, one of the most brilliant philosophers in Chinese history,advocated a simple life according to ones own conscience andnature without restraint. His humor, sophistication, literary genius,and philosophical insights found their perfect expression in hismasterpiece Zhuangzi, which has deeply influenced the traditionalOriental art and culture as well as the contemporary western world.
引言一 庄子时代二 青少年时期三 青年时期四 中年早期五 中年晚期六 晚年七 文学庄子八 自然庄子九 生活庄子余论延伸阅读书目译后记
庄子的时代是战争和杀戮的时代。 战国时期,为了财富、土地和雄霸天下,各国之间的战争非常频繁。为了能在战争中靠经济、军事实力战胜对手,各国进行了不同程度的改革。 魏国由于魏文侯(前445一前396在位)任用李悝变法,改革政治、奖励耕战、兴修水利、发展经济,最早成为强国。公元前356年,秦孝公任用卫鞅变法,秦国强盛起来。同年,齐国也进行政治改革,国势也强盛起来。楚国在楚悼王(前401一前38l在位)时任用吴起变法,虽然没有取得很大成果,但它保持了原来就是强国的地位。燕国也在战争中渐露头角。于是,形成了七强并立的形势。 为了夺取更多的土地、人口和税收,国与国之间的兼并战争更激烈,战争规模更大了。公元前341年,魏与齐之间的马陵之战,魏国动用了“十万之军”。公元前293年,秦国大将白起大败魏军于华阳,斩首15万。战国时期,由于各国已普遍实行郡县征兵制度,作战时所有及龄农民都有可能被强迫编入军队。因而,一场大战往往动用几万、几十万人马,战争规模达到了前所未有的地步。