
出版时间:2012-2  出版社:南京大学  作者:陈旭东  页数:206  


  在教育部最新颁布的中学《英语课程标准》中,阅读能力的培养被作为目前最重要的教学目标之一,而在各地的高考试题中,阅读所占的比重也越来越大,总体占到总分的40%以上。为了帮助学生适应目前的这种命题趋势,在阅读题型中尽可能地拿到高分,提高英语成绩,我们专门约请了一批多年工作在教学第一线、具有丰富教学经验及备考指导经验的知名老师和高考命题专家联合编写了《高中英语知识集锦》系列之《阅读理解与完形填空160篇》。  本丛书难度分别与高中各年级英语教材同步,是一套体现各年级阅读能力要求、语法不超纲、词汇量与生词数适中的英语阅读辅助教材。浓郁的时代感、包罗万象的题材、规范的语言、最新的题型、精辟详尽的答案解析使本丛书兼具了知识性、实用性和前瞻性。


  《高中英语·知识集锦:阅读理解与完形填空160篇(高1分册)》在教育部最新颁布的中学《英语课程标准》中,阅读能力的培养被作为目前最重要的教学目标之一,而在各地的高考试题中,阅读所占的比重也越来越大,总体占到总分的40%以上。为了帮助学生适应目前的这种命题趋势,在阅读题型中尽可能地拿到高分,提高英语成绩,我们专门约请了一批多年工作在教学第一线、具有丰富教学经验及备考指导经验的知名老师和高考命题专家联合编写了《高中英语知识集锦》系列之《阅读理解与完形填空160篇》。  本丛书难度分别与高中各年级英语教材同步,是一套体现各年级阅读能力要求、语法不超纲、词汇量与生词数适中的英语阅读辅助教材。浓郁的时代感、包罗万象的题材、规范的语言、最新的题型、精辟详尽的答案解析使本丛书兼具了知识性、实用性和前瞻性。


第一模块 自主热身检测Test 1Test 2第二模块 解题技巧点拨完形填空解题技巧点拨阅读理解解题技巧点拨任务型阅读解题技巧点拨第三模块 热点时文速递Unit 1Unit 2Unit 3Unit 4Unit 5Unit 6第四模块 梯级综合训练基础过关Unit 1Unit 2Unit 3Unit 4Unit 5Unit 6能力飚升Unit 7Unit8Unit、9Unit 10Unit 11Unit 12第五模块 实战模拟测试Unit 1Unit 2Unit 3Unit 4Unit 5Unit 6答案与解析


  An old story goes that once there were four Single men, leading very boring lives. None of them were married,or had lovers, or did anything exciting. They just sat around all day and played Mahjong One day theyplayed Mahjong from 11 in the morning until at night. During the game, no matter who won, the winning cardwas always the four columns card ( the card shows four independent, parallel columns in two lines)Even more of a coincidence, it was November 11, or 11/11. In order to commemorate the day, they nicknamed itSingles Day.  Singles Day was first celebrated at various universities in Nanjing, capital city of Jiangsu province during the1990s. It got the name Singles Day because the date is comprised of four ones These college students havesince graduated, and carried theirs university tradition into society. Singles Day is now a special day for allfashionable youths.  The main way to celebrate Singles Day is to have dinner with your Singles friends, but its important that eachperson pay their own fee to show their independence. People also hold blind date parties in an attempt to bidgoodbye to their Singles lives.





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