
出版时间:2009-8  出版社:南京大学出版社  作者:熊英,姚欣 主编  页数:190  




Intensive Reading  Unit 1 Characteristics of Traditional Chinese Medicine  Unit 2 Basic Theories of Traditional Chinese Medicine  Unit 3 Etiology of Traditional Chinese Medicine  Unit 4 Basic Therapeutic Methods of Traditional Chinese Medicine 1  Unit 5 Acupuncture and Moxibustion  Unit 6 Tuina Therapy  Unit 7 Influenza  Unit 8 Chronic Gastritis  Unit 9 Hypertension  Unit 10 Diabetes Mellitus  Unit 11 Back Pain  Unit 12 First Aid in Medical EmergenciesSupplementary Reading  Reading 1 Pulse and Tongue in Traditional Chinese Medicine  Reading 2 Introduction to Traditional Chinese Drugs  Reading 3 Diseases’Symptoms and Treatments  Reading 4 Pneumonia  Reading 5 Treatment Principles for Chronic Atrophic Gastritis   Reading 6 Stroke  Reading 7 AIDS  Reading 8 Human AnatomyAppendix  Appendix 1 Medical Terminology  Appendix 2 Clinical Dialogue  Appendix 3 Tips on Writing Medical Document  Glossary


  Wind,cold,summer-heat,dampness,dryness,and heat(fire)are six kinds of natural climatic factors known as“six qi”.Under normal condition,the human body can adapt to the cbanges of climate which are indispensable to the existence of human beings. If the harmonions relationship between human beings and nature is broken,the body is unable to adapt itself to the change of the climate,leading to the occurrence of disease. Under such a conditlon,these six natural climatic factors become pathogenic factors. The six abnormal climatic factors. known as six evils,are pathogenic wind,pathogenic cold,pathogenic summer-heat, pathogenic dampness,pathogenic dryness,and pathogenic heat(fire).”  The six abnormal climatic factors are characterized by the following features in causing disease. Firstly,the cause of disease by the six abnormal climatic factors is usually related to seasonal changes and living conditions. For example,pathogenic wind prevails in spring and consequently people tend to be affected by pathogenic wind in spring,while pathogenic cold is prevalent in winter and people tend to be affected by pathogenic cold in winter. Secondly, the six abnormal climatic factors may singly or collectively attack people. For example,pathogenic wind may combine with cold,dampness,dryness and heat to attack people and lead to wind-cold syndrome,wind-dampness syndrome,wind-dryness syndrome and wind heat syndrome. Thirdly,the nature of the diseases caused by the six abnormal climatic factors may change. For example,invasion of pathogenic cold may deepen internally to transform into heat and accumulation of pathogenic dampness also may transform into heat. Finally,the six abnormal climatic factors usually invade people from the skin into the muscle or from the mouth and nose into the lung and the defensive phase. Besides,clinically there are some diseases due to dysfunction O of Viscera that appear similar to the pathological changes caused by pathogenic wind,pathogenic cold,pathogenic dampness,pathogenic dryness,and pathogenic beat(fire),known as five endogenous pathogenic factors.



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