
出版时间:2009-7  出版社:南京大学出版社  作者:周文岭,赵平 编  页数:273  


  堪培拉大学英语学院部分教职员工对《挑战英语口语:影视剧精彩会话》的编写提供了的热情支持。其《挑战英语口语:影视剧精彩会话》在编写过程中还得到了淮海工学院多位外籍教师的热情帮助。美籍教师Rory Michael Kcane先生对由赵平教授原创撰写的每幕一篇、计28篇的幽默短文的英语译文进行了逐句审校,最大限度地避免了语言的不规范现象。加拿大籍教师Iohn smith、Kcvimiordan等人为《挑战英语口语:影视剧精彩会话》部分习惯用语及所涉及的文化背景知识提供了极有价值的参考意见。


第1幕 The Sound of Music第2幕 A Streetcar Named Desire第3幕 License to wed(1)第4幕 License to Wed(2)第5幕 Assault on Precinct第6幕 Harry Potter and The Sorcerer’s Stone第7幕 Pride and Prejudice(1)第8幕 Hitch(1)第9幕 Mask II第10幕 Dan in Real Life(1)第11幕 Pride and Prejudice(2)第12幕 Shrek II(1)第13幕 Incredibles第14幕 Notting Hill第15幕 Now Pronounce You Chuck&Larry第16幕 The Devil Wears Prada(1)第17幕 Shrek 1I(2)第18幕 Wallace and Gromit第19幕 The Gods Must Be Crazy第20幕 The Devil Wears Prada(2)第21幕 Hitch(2)第22幕 Coming to America(1)第23幕 Bee Movie(1)第24幕 Roman Holiday(1)第25幕 Coming to America(2)第26幕 Bee Movie(2)第27幕 Dan in Real Lire(2)第28幕 Roman Holiday(2)附录 练习参考答案及对白译文


  Fred: Well done, Harry. Woods just told us.  Ronald:Fred and George are on the team too. Beaters.  George:Our job is to make sure that you dont get bloodied up too bad.Cant make any promises of course. Rough game, Quidditch.  Fred: Brutal. But no ones died in years. Someone vanishes occasionally.  George:But theyll turn up in a month or two.  Ronald:Go on, Harry. Quidditch is great. Best game there is, and youll be great too.  Harry:But Ive never even played Quidditch! What if I make a fool of my-self?  Hermione: You wont make a fool of yourself. Its in your blood.  Ronald:Wow! Harry, you never told me your father was a Seeker too.  Harry:I didnt know.  Ronald:Im telling you, its spooky. She knows more about you than  you do.  Harry:Who doesnt? Whats happening?  Hermione: The staircases change, remember?  Harry:I.ets go this way.  Ronald:Before the staircase moves again. Does anybody feel like we  shouldnt be here?  Hermione: Were not supposed to be here. This is the third floor. Its forbidden.  Harry:I.ets go.  Hermione: Its Filchs cat!  Harry:Run! Quick, lets hide through that door! Its locked!  Ronald:Thats it. Were done for!  Hermione : Move over! (takes out a stick ) Alohomora. (The door opens. ) Get in.  Ronald:Alohomora?  Hermione: Standard Book of Spells, chapter seven.  Filch:Anyone here, my sweet? Come on.  Hermione: Filch is gone.  Ronald:He thinks this doors locked.




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