
出版时间:2007-1  出版社:江苏南京大学  作者:肖辉,陶长安  




第一单元 招商引资 Ⅰ Background Material   Ⅱ Useful Expressions  Ⅲ Scenario  Ⅳ Topics for Discussion  Ⅴ Interpretation Exercise  Ⅵ Related Useful Expressions  Ⅶ Key to Interpretation Exercise第二单元 经贸洽谈 Ⅰ Background Material   Ⅱ Useful Expressions  Ⅲ Scenario  Ⅳ Topics for Discussion  Ⅴ Interpretation Exercise  Ⅵ Related Useful Expressions  Ⅶ Key to Interpretation Exercise第三单元 经贸礼仪 Ⅰ Background Material   Ⅱ Useful Expressions  Ⅲ Scenario  Ⅳ Topics for Discussion  Ⅴ Interpretation Exercise  Ⅵ Related Useful Expressions  Ⅶ Key to Interpretation Exercise第四单元 电视访谈 Ⅰ Background Material   Ⅱ Useful Expressions  Ⅲ Scenario  Ⅳ Topics for Discussion  Ⅴ Interpretation Exercise  Ⅵ Related Useful Expressions  Ⅶ Key to Interpretation Exercise第五单元 记者招待会 Ⅰ Background Material   Ⅱ Useful Expressions  Ⅲ Scenario  Ⅳ Topics for Discussion  Ⅴ Interpretation Exercise  Ⅵ Related Useful Expressions  Ⅶ Key to Interpretation Exercise第六单元 经济政策 Ⅰ Background Material   Ⅱ Useful Expressions  Ⅲ Scenario  Ⅳ Topics for Discussion  Ⅴ Interpretation Exercise  Ⅵ Related Useful Expressions  Ⅶ Key to Interpretation Exercise第七单元 股票市场 Ⅰ Background Material   Ⅱ Useful Expressions  Ⅲ Scenario  Ⅳ Topics for Discussion  Ⅴ Interpretation Exercise  Ⅵ Related Useful Expressions  Ⅶ Key to Interpretation Exercise第八单元 营销 Ⅰ Background Material   Ⅱ Useful Expressions  Ⅲ Scenario  Ⅳ Topics for Discussion  Ⅴ Interpretation Exercise  Ⅵ Related Useful Expressions  Ⅶ Key to Interpretation Exercise第九单元 询价 Ⅰ Background Material   Ⅱ Useful Expressions  Ⅲ Scenario  Ⅳ Topics for Discussion  Ⅴ Interpretation Exercise  Ⅵ Related Useful Expressions  Ⅶ Key to Interpretation Exercise第十单元 付款第十一单元 包装与运输第十二单元 检验检疫第十三单元 进出口第十四单元 保险第十五单元 合同第十六单元 仲裁与诉讼




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