出版时间:2010-1 出版社:南京大学出版社 作者:《99所名牌小学小升初模拟试卷》编写组 编 页数:99 字数:158000
《小升初模拟试卷·英语》汇集了全国各地小升初的优秀试卷。《小升初模拟试卷·英语》在广泛收集全国各地重点小学毕业试卷的基础上,结合教材、大纲和课程标准,对试题进行综合分析和精心筛选,选取其中最具有代表性、最能体现大纲要求、最注重考查学生能力的优秀试卷,以便学生通过真题及时了解命题动态和趋势。 《小升初模拟试卷·英语》编写组成员还根据最新的大纲要求,精心编写了小学毕业模拟试卷,科学预测小升初考试的发展趋势。《小升初模拟试卷·英语》精编的这些试卷,题型多样,命题视角新颖,知识覆盖全面,涵盖了小学阶段所需掌握的知识要点,难易度、区分度、题量与各地名校真题试卷相当,目的在于引导学生科学训练。
One day an eagle met a seagull at the beach. The eagle thought it was bigger andstronger than the seagull. "I can fly higher than you. Im the strongest bird in the sky. Letme show you around my country. " it said. "Thank you. Thats very kind of you. " said the seagull. The eagle and seagull flew for an hour over a thick jungle (丛林). They could seemany different animals and plants. "Look! This is the biggest jungle in my country. Is it big?" asked the eagle. "Yes, its huge. " said the seagull. Half an hour later they flew over a high mountain. "This is the most beautiful place inmy country. " said the eagle. "Its the highest mountain.. The most dangerous animals livehere. " "Its fantastic!" said the seagull. The eagle wanted to see the seagulls country. "If youre not too tired, can you showme your home?" it asked. "Yes. Sure! Im not tired. " said the seagull. They flew off over the sea. After fivehours, the eagle was very tired. "Are we near your home yet?" it asked. "Oh, no. Its still a long way away. " said the seagull. "
小学毕业升学必备,99所名牌小学小升初模拟试卷,包含真题训练试卷10套和全真模拟试卷10套。 知识积累,预测命题。真题训练,快速有效。全真模拟,考前冲刺。名师指导,提高成绩。