出版时间:1995-02 出版社:南京大学出版社 作者:吴克明//季天祥 页数:197
《高级英语阅读教程》是根据教育部1990年6月公布的《高等学校英语专业高年级英语教学大纲(试用本)》编写的,适合于英语专业高年级学生使用,也可供具有大学外语四到六级水平的非英语专业学生作为阅读材料。 本教程收集了现、当代美、英著名作家的散文、演讲和故事共32篇,按主题编排。全书翕为14个单元(unit),除个别单元外,每单元有两至三篇课文。课文内容涉及父爱、友谊、大学生活、家庭、妇女、体育运动、文化差异、西方民主等。同一主题的文章文体不同,风格各异,往往从不同的角度探讨同一主题,从而向青年学生展示在丰富多彩的现实生活中,人们多角度、多层次的思维模式,便于学生进行比较、对照、分析、讨论,有利于培养学生逻辑思维和判断评述的能力。这是本教材区别于国内出版的同类教材的显著特点。在课文的编排上,遵循由近到远的原则,即从学生们较为熟悉的内容(如:父爱、友谊、大学生活等)到他们不太熟悉的内容(如:文化差异等)。 每课的设计安排如下:课文前有作者简介,课文后有注释、要点评析(HighIights)、词汇练习和问题。要点评析涉及背景知识、思想内容、写作方法和修辞手段等方面。词汇练习用来复习、巩固本课中出现的词汇。问题分为学习题和讨论题两种,前者帮助学生回忆、掌握课文的内容,后者启发学生讨论课文中提出的各种问题,进行横向和纵向的比较、思考,即进行中、西方文化对比和历史的回顾。 本教程的课文有长有短,有些短课文并不容易,其中的难点、难句可让学生进行课堂讨论。对于较长的课文,也不必像低年级的综合英语课(精读课)那样逐句讲解,而可以拣重点来讲解。但不管课文长短,均可利用课文后面的讨论题,组织学生分小组用英语进行课堂讨论,并可在此基础上,布置适量的写作练习。较短的课文一般可用2学时教完,较长的课文可用3-4学时教完。以阅读课每周2学时计算,本教程可用一学年;以阅读课每周4学时计算,本教程可用一学期。 本教程在南京大学外国语学院英语系三年级经过四年试用,三次修订,终于脱稿,编者深感欣慰。在编写过程中,得到了乐眉云教授、刘海平教授、金筑云教授等同志的热情支持和帮助,还有杨敬清、叶晓兰等同志曾协助打印初稿,尤其是外籍专家Kate AIlen博士仔细校阅了原稿,并提出了宝贵的意见,在此表示深深的谢忱。由于水平有限,书中难免有不少缺点和错误,欢迎师生们批评指正。
Unit 1 Lesson 1 Andrew H. Malcolm: Dad Lesson 2 Sherwood Anderson: Discovery of a FatherUnit 2 Lesson 3 Steve Tesich: Focusing on Friends Lesson 4 Judith Viorst: Friends, Good Friends and Such Good FriendsUnit 3 Lesson 5 Carolyn B. Raphael: Three Unforgettable Professors Lesson 6 James Thurber: University DaysUnit 4 Lesson 7 Mark Twain: Advice to Youth Lesson 8 NeJl Postman: My Graduation Speech Lesson 9 E.M. Forster: My WoodUnit 5 Lesson 10 Barbara EhrenreJch: The Cult of Busyness Lesson 11 Sydney J. Harris: Climbing the Mountain of SuccessUnit 6 Lesson 12 J.H. Plumb: The Dying Family Lesson 13 Lewis Coser: The Family Unit 7 Lesson 14 Scott Smallwood: Divorce and a Haircut Lesson 15 Andrew Sullivan: Here Comes the Groom: A (Conservative) Case for Gay MarriageUnit 8 Lesson 16 Yi-Fu Tuan: American Space, Chinese Place Lesson 17 Edward T. Hall: The Arab WorldUnit 9 Lesson 18 Annie Dillard: The Chase Unit 10 Lesson 19 Michael Korda: Howto Obtain Power Lesson 20 Bertrand Russell: WorkUnit 11 Lesson 21 George Orwell: Shooting an E/ephantUnit 12 Lesson 22 Abraham Lincoln: The Gettysburg Address Lesson 23 Martin Luther King, Jr.: /Have a DreamUnit 13 Lesson 24 Kate Chopin: The Story of an Hour Lesson 25 Deborah Tannen: Report-ta/k in Private Lesson 26 K.C. Cole: Women and PhysicsUnit 14 Lesson 27 Harold Krents: Darkness at Noon Lesson 28 Leonard Kriegeh Taking Unit 15 Lesson 29 E.B. White: The Ring of Time Lesson 30 Malcolm Cowley: Vices and P/easures: The View from 80Unit 16 Lesson 31 Virginia Woolf: The Death of the Moth Lesson 32 Lewis Thomas: On Natura/DeathMajor Reference Books
My first friend was Slobo. I was still living in Yugoslavia at the time, and not far frommy house there was an old German truck left abandoned after the war. It had no wheels. Nowindshield. No doors. But the steering wheel was intact. Slobo.and I flew to America in thattruck. It was our airplane. Even now, I remember the background moving as we took offdown the street, across Europe, across the Atlantic. We were inseparable. The best of friends.Naturally, not one word concerning the nature of our feelings for one another was ever ex-changed. It was all done in actions. The inevitable would happen at least once a day. As we were flying over the Atlantic,there came, out of nowhere, that wonderful moment: engine failure! "Well have to bailout," I shouted. "A-a-a-a-a!" Slobo made the sound of the failing engine. Then he would turnand look me in the eye: "I cant swim," hed say. "Fear not. " I put my hand on his shoulder."I11 drag you to shore." And, with that, both of us would tumble out of the truck onto thedusty street. I swam through the dust. Slobo drowned in the dust, coughing, gagging."Sharks!" he cried. But I always saved him. The next day the ritual would be repeated, onlythen it would be my turn to say "I cant swim," and Slobo would save me. We saved each oth-er from certain death over a hundred times, until finally a day came when I really left forAmerica with my mother and sister. Slobo and I stood at the train station. We wcre there to saygoodbye, but, since we werent that good at saying things and since he couldnt save me, hejust cried until the train started to move. The best friend I had in high school was Louie. It now seems to mc that I was totally mo-nogamous when it came to male friends. I would have several girl friends but only one realmale friend. Louie was it at that time. We were both athletes, and one day we decided to "runtill we drop." We just wanted to know what it was like. Skinny Louie set the pace as we ranaround our high-school track. Lap after lap. Four laps to a mile. Mile after mile we ran. I hadthe reputation as being a big-time jock. Louie didnt. But this was Louies day. There was abounce in his step and, when he turned back to look at me, his eyes were gleaming with thethrill of it all. I finally dropped. Louie still looked fresh; he seemed capable, on that day, ofrunning forever. But we were the best of friends, and so he stopped. "Thats it," he lied, "Icouldnt go another step farther. " It was an act of love. Naturally, I said nothing.