出版时间:2012-07-01 出版社:中央广播电视大学出版社 作者:李莉,魏宝红 编 页数:131
《面向十二五高职高专规划教材:物流英语》内容主要包括:物流概述(Overview ofLogistics)、供应链管理(SupplyChain Management)、运输(Transportation)、仓库管理(Warehouse and InventoryManagement)、包装(Packaging)、物流信息(Logistics Information)、第三方物流(the Third-party Logistics)、采购管理(Procurement Management)、客户服务(Customer Service)、物流档案(Logistics Documentation)、国际物流(InternationalLogistics)、物流通讯(Logistics Telecommunication)。本书突出实用性和专业性。本书概述物流行业中常用的名词及概念,选取与当前的物流工作联系紧密的内容逐步讲述,还对部分内容配图表说明,以使读者能全面了解物流运营的各个层面。
Chapter 1 Overview of LogisticsUnit 1 the Definition of LogisticsUnit 2 Activities in Logistics SystemChapter 2 Supply Chain ManagementUnit l Introduction to Supply Chain ManagementUnit 2 Development of Supply Chain ManagementUnit 3 Attributes of Supply Chain ManagementChapter 3 TrarportationUnit ] Introduction to TrarportationUnit 2 Trarport ModesUnit 3 Trarportation Modal Choice and Intermodal ServicesChapter 4 Warehouse and Inventory ManagementUnit 1 Introduction to Warehouse ManagementUnit 2 Basic Warehousing OperatiorUnit 3 Introduction to Inventory ManagementUnit 4 Inventory Control ApproachesChapter 5 PackagingUnit 1 Introduction to PackagingUnit 2 Packaging TechniquesChapter 6 Logistics InformationUnit 1 Functior of Logistics Information SystemUnit 2 Information Technology in LogisticsChapter 7 the Third-party LogisticsUnit 1 Overview of the Third-party LogisticsUnit 2 Advantages and Disadvantages of the Third-party LogisticsChapter 8 Procurement ManagementUnit l the Definition and Role of ProcurementUnit 2 Purchasing ManagementChapter 9 Customer ServiceUnit | Introduction to Logistics Customer ServiceUnit 2 Customer Relatiorhip ManagementChapter 10 Logistics DocumentationUnit | Introduction to DocumentationUnit 2 Main Logistics DocumentationUnit 3 Logistics ContractChapter 11 International LogisticsUnit 1 International Trade and International LogisticsUnit 2 Components of International Logistics ManagementUnit 3 International Logistics InfrastructureUnit 4 International Logistics Intermediaries and Logistics AliancesChapter 12 Logistics TelecommunicationUnit 1 TelexUnit 2 FaxUnit 3 E-mailReference