
出版时间:2009-8  出版社:陆青霜、 梁慧仪 中央广播电视大学出版社 (2009-08出版)  作者:陆青霜,梁慧仪 编  页数:156  




第一章 语音 第二章 词汇与语法 第一节 词法 一、名词专项练习 二、冠词专项练习 三、代词专项练习 四、数词专项练习 五、形容词和副词专项练习 六、动词专项练习 七、介词专项练习 八、连词专项练习 九、英译汉翻译练习 第二节 句法 一、句法练习题1 二、句法练习题2 第三章 综合知识 第一节 词缀专项练习 第二节 补全对话综合练习 第三节 书面表达专项练习 第四节 完形填空专项练习 第五节 阅读理解专项练习 2007年成人高等学校招生全国统一考试 2008年成人高等学校招生全国统一考试 参考答案 参考文献


版权页:   7.By the time he was ten,Edison____experiments in chemistry. A.had already done B.already had done C.was already doing D.already did 8.I don't know if it____or not tomorrow. A.will snow B.snows C.has snowed D.is snowing 9.He was sixty-eight.In two years he___seventy. A.was going to be B.would be C.had been D.will be 10.Tom____for more than a week. A.has left B.has gone away C.went away D.has been away 11.He said that honesty____the key to success. A.was B.will be C.is D.is being 12.She___in London till nest Monday. A.will have stayed B.has stayed C.is staying D.has been staying 13.We____each other since I left Shanghai. A.haven't seen B.hadn't seen C.didn't see D.wouldn't see 14.I'll return the book to the library as soon as I____it. A.will finish B.am going to finish C.finished D.have finished 15.She has bought some cloth,she____herself a dress. A.makes B.is going to make C.would make D.has made 16.Don't go and bother him.He____in the room. A.writes B.has written C.is writing D.has been writing 17.____you____? A.Do; marry B.Have; married C.Have; been married D.Are; married 18,-Tom: This is a terribly heavy box. -John: I____you to carry it. A.will help B.am going to help C.had better to help D.had rather help 19.She told me that her father____to the post office when I arrived. A.just went B.has just gone C.had just gone D.had just been going 19.Don't get off until the bus____. A.stopped B.will stop C.will have stopped D.stops 21.Peter said that he____home the next day. A.was going to B.will go C.would go D.had gone 22.He____with us since he returned last month. A.lives B.lived C.had lived D.has lived 23.They____to help but could not get here in time. A.had wanted B.have wanted C.was wanting D.want 24.They will go to work in the countryside when they____school next year. A.will leave B.will have leave C.are leaving D.leave





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