出版时间:2001-1 出版社:中央广播电视大学出版社 作者:罗伟纲 主编,王英 副主编 页数:373
本套教材共四级,分四个学期使用,每级包括学习手册、指导手册两本书,均由史志康、罗伟纲、王英、施心远、杜亚琛、俞骅编写。本教材教学起点较低,使读者在学习开始时易于上手;全书的难度安排上也昼注意保持坡度平缓,便于读者循序渐进。 本教材对课文中较难的词汇作了解释,对较难的句式配有例示;在对话和短文的选择上注意语言规范、长度适宜,有利于学习者树立信心。 为了提高读者的学习兴趣,在对话和短文中注意了题材的广泛性,内容从科普、幽默到名人轶事、时事新闻等等;练习也尽可能安排得形式多样,如填空、填表、正误选择、多项选择、回答问题等。 为了方便读者记忆和巩固学到的知识,本教材注意保持学习内容的高复现率,命名读者能扎实地掌握所学的内容。 本教材英语语言规范、地道、录音带内容全部由外国专家朗读。 本教材虽然只是一套听力教材,但教学内容并未仅仅局限在听力的狭小范畴内,在选材时融入了词汇、语法和句型等其他语言方面的知识,另外也注意将学语言和学文化结合到一起,使读者在提高听力的同时也能了解英语国家的风土人情,扩大知识面。 本教材的主要使用对象 全国各地的电大师生,也可供其他院校师生以及自学的朋友选用。
Unit OneUnit TwoUnit ThreeUnit FourUnit FiveUnit SixUnit SevenUnit EightUnit TenUnit ElevenUnit TwelveUnit ThirteenUnit FourteenUnit FifteenUnit SixteenUnit SeventeenUnit EighteenVocabulary (In Alphabetic Order)
版权页: Exercise C Directions : Listen to the dialogue again and answer the following questions. 8) When does the nurse arrange for the man to see Dr. Anderson? 9) Why does she arrange the appointment for two weeks later? 10) Why doesn't the man have to see the dentist? Dialogue 2 Language point What time do you want to leave? What tithe do you... ? e.g. What time do you want to get off? Exercise A Directions ..Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer. 1) If Bill wants to be back this Wednesday, he should_____. A. drive B. return by air C. take a train D. take a bus 2) Bill wants to have_____ on the train. A. a non-smoking seat B. a smoking seat C. a comfortable seat D. a solitary seat 3) Bill will go by train_____. A. this Wednesday B. on the 15th C. next Wednesday D. on the 14th Exercise B Directions: Listen to the dialogue again and fill in each of the followingblanks. M.. Alice, I want to 4)_____to Glasgow early on the 15th. F: That's this Wednesday. M: Yes. And I want to come 5)_____the same day. Can youmake the arrangements, please? F: Wednesday? OK, Bill. The plane is expensive, though. Does the 6)_____know about this? M: Er, no. Oh, all right. I'll go by train the day 7)_____. Exercise C Directions : Listen to the dialogue again and answer the following questions. 8) Why does Alice ask Bill if their head knows about his flying to Glasgow? 9) What does Bill think about going by train? 10) Which hotel does Bill want to stay in?