出版时间:1998-5 出版社:中央广播电视大学出版 作者:张连仲 页数:345 字数:521000
本书为“新思维英语阅读”的第二册。是大学英语专业“英语阅读”课程第一学年的教材,第一册供第一学期使用,第二册供第二学期使用,适用的对象为普通高校以及成人高校的英语大专学生。起点水平低于英语大专要求的学习者可将本教材作为课外扩充材料,起点水平高于此要求的学习者可将本教材作为补充阅读材料。 本教材由正文、补充读物和附录三部组成。正文包括36年单元,每个单元后附有单元小结及单元练习答案。被充读物由18篇文章组成,内容皆是有关当今中国的热门话题。附录包括“分页词汇表”和“词汇索引表”两项内容。 本系列教材共四册,是教育部成人高等教育规划教材,供各类成人高等教育英语专业专科“英语阅读”课程使用。 《新思维英语阅读》适合认知500-800年词汇的学习者,设计达到阅读目标为英语大专水平。 《新思维英语阅读》第一、二册为“轻松入门”、注重英语阅读的实用性、趣味性和实践性; 《新思维英语阅读》第一、二是在引进培生教育出版集团出版的ReadingPlus1-4册的基础上,严格按照国家教育部1997年颁发的《全国成人高等教育英语专业英语教学基本要求》改编而成。
IntroductionContents Chart Right Now' The rehearsal Mountain bikes We're going to Madame Tussaud's Disaster Quick cures? A 'whodunit' What's it for?' Word games Yummy! I love chocolate!' Freedom at last How good is your memory? The wildebeest A holiday to remember! The ancient Olympic Games Sir Isaac Newton (1643 - 1727) Badminton's best Kidnapped What bad luck! What's your favourite colour? The Lion' Agatha Christie's greatest mystery Interesting numbers A part-time job Frankenstein's monster Well done! Staying at the Wessex Visitors Nasty moments in sport The Channel Tunnel Is it a fake? The world of computers People and their religions Blondin The Haze Person to personSUPPLEMENTARY READINGS —— China Today China's telecommunications market Sustainable development: China's choice for the 21st century A Belgian couple tour China by bicycle Diana dies in Paris car wreck Volunteers contribute to poverty relief Chinese marriages and families Yangtze river dolphin's 17th birthday Advertising industry thrives alongside market economy The first American clown in Sichuan Opera China's Men's Table Tennis Team: Never content Parents vs. children China to encourage studying abroad Clone myself, I can start all over again Education reform still a long way to go in China The three express trains Crackdown on counterfeit foreign goods Nation's PC market up by 39% during first half Supporting the elderlyPage-by-Page Vocabulary ListIndex to Vocabulary List