
出版时间:2012-3  出版社:北京师范大学出版社  作者:陈丽芳,王燕 编  页数:190  


  《全国高等职业教育酒店服务专业精品系列教材:酒店英语口语》共四个章节,讲述酒店前厅、客房、餐饮、康乐商场等内容。每章节分Do You Know,Learning Objectiyes,Sample Dialogues,Sentence Patterns,Words and Expressions,Notes,Consolidation七个部分。内容选材为酒店业一线服务和管理部门的各个环节,突出对话主题。本书旨在培养学生的英语口语交际能力,坚持岗位导向原则,为酒店业培养能够熟练使用英语交际的服务人员和中高级管理人才。  《全国高等职业教育酒店服务专业精品系列教材:酒店英语口语》内容丰富、结构清晰、实际操作性强,既可供高职高专旅游酒店管理专业使用,也可为酒店一线从业人员自学使用。


Basic KnowledgeUnit 1 What Is a Hotel?Unit 2 General Expressions for Hotel ServicesChapter One The Front OfficeUnit 1 Room ReservationUnit 2 ReceptionUnit 3 ConciergeUnit 4 Telephone ServiceUnit 5 Business CenterUnit 6 At the CashiersUnit 7 Settle the ComplaintsChapter Two HousekeepingUnit 1 Simple Chamber ServiceUnit 2 Cleaning the RoomUnit 3 Laundry ServiceUnit 4 Room ServiceUnit 5 Other ServicesUnit 6 Maintenance Service in the Guest RoomChapter Three Food and BeverageUnit 1 Table ReservationUnit 2 Receiving the GuestUnit 3 Taking OrdersUnit 4 Beverage ServiceUnit 5 Serving the GuestUnit 6 Kitchen ServiceChapter Four At the Recreation Centre and Health ClubUnit I At the Beauty ParlorUnit 2 At the Health ClubUnit 3 Sauna and Massage ServiceUnit 4 At the Hair SalonUnit 5 At the Shopping ArcadeAppendix Commonly Used Words and Expressions in the HotelReferences





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