新标准乐学英语 第2册 学生用书

出版时间:2012-2  出版社:北京师范大学出版社  作者:晨梅梅 等主编  页数:212  字数:370000  




Map of the Book
Unit 1 Arts and Cultural Show
Unit 2 Hobbies and Interests
Unit 3 Attending Parties
Unit 4 Appointment and Telephone
Unit 5 Seeing the Doctor
Unit 6 Shopping
Unit 7 Post Office
Unit 8 Banks


  Lychees, a much-favored fruit in China, taste great but unfortunately spoil really quickly.  More than a thousand years ago, Yang Yuhuan, the favorite concubine of Emperor Tang Xuanzong (685-762), was extremely fond of Lychees but she lived in Chang'an, today Xi'an.  Due to slow modes of transportation, the Emperor set up a special courier service with teams of swift horses to deliver the fresh fruits hundreds of miles from south China to the Imperial court for his consort. lt's said that riders and horses were changed along the way and the fruit was rushed to the palace as quickly as possible before they were spoiled. When the Lychees arrived, the concubine was very happy and would give a beautiful smile. Ever since then lychees have beenconsidered in China the finest of delicacies and a symbol of romance.  One might be amazed by the speed at which fresh Iychees were carried to Chang'an. To understand it, it is worth learning more about the postal service in the Tang Dynasty. The national postal service was created in the first Chinese empire, under the Qin Dynasty (221-207 BC), to enhance the imperial control throughout the huge country. About a thousand years later, the postal system was more developed and efficient in the Tang Dynasty.  The central government employed thousands of postal workers of various ranks and responsibilities to provide service for post offices and larger postal stations. Major postal stations were placed every 3011(one li in Tang times = 450m) along every major road in the country. According to historical records, during the reign of Emperor Tang Xuanzong, 1,639 postal stations were established nationwide, of which 256 were marine stations, 1297 were land stations, and 86 served both functions. The speed of postal service was legally regulated. Depending on the urgency of the post the speed of postal riders ranged from 18011, 30011, and even up to 50011, about 225 kilometers, a day. This full-fledged postal system helped to connect the heart of the empire with every corner of the country.  Knowing this, it's not difficult to understand how the special lychee-delivery team was able to transport fresh lychees the many miles to Xi'an so efficiently.  ……



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